Secure Agent Services > GitRepoConnectApp > GitRepoConnectApp properties

GitRepoConnectApp properties

To change or optimize behavior of the GitRepoConnectApp service, configure the service properties. Configure the service properties in the System Configuration Details area when you edit a Secure Agent.
The following image shows the GitRepoConnectApp properties:
When you view or edit a Secure Agent and select the GitRepoConnectApp service, the configuration properties appear in the System Configuration Details area. In this image, the service type is set to "All Types," and the LOG4J and GIT_REPO_CONNECT_APP_CONF properties are displayed.
You can configure the following service properties:
Base directory for the local Git repository on the Secure Agent machine.
The base directory is created in the following directory:
<Secure Agent installation directory>/apps/GitRepoConnectApp/
Default is ../data/git_repository/. Therefore, the Secure Agent creates the local Git repository in the following directory:
<Secure Agent installation directory>/apps/GitRepoConnectApp/data/git_repository/<client URL>/<organization ID>/<branch>/<remote repository name>
Amount of memory allocated for the GitRepoConnectApp service when the service starts.
Default is 32 MB.
Maximum memory allocated for the GitRepoConnectApp service.
Default is 256 MB.
Note: Do not change the values of other GitRepoConnectApp properties unless Informatica Global Customer Support instructs you to do so.