Type | Name | Description | Sample Value | Default Value |
APP_CFG | mfa_maxParallelTasks | Number of concurrent running tasks in the Secure Agent. | 5 | 4 |
APP_CFG | mfa_agentMaxRetryAttempts | - | 3 | 5 |
APP_CFG | mfa_agentInitialBackoffInterval | - | 500 | 100 |
APP_CFG | mfa_agentMaxBackoffInterval | - | 20000 | 35000 |
APP_CFG | mfa_agentShutdownWaitTimeMillis | - | 30000 | 60000 |
APP_CFG | mfa_JVM_ARGS | Option to add debug parameters or modify the JVM memory configuration parameters. | agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address= 8084,server=y,suspend=y | - |
PLUGIN_CFG | plugin_JVM_ARGS | Option to add debug parameters or modify the JVM memory configuration parameters. | agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address= 8083,server=y,suspend=y | - |
TRANSFER_SVC_CFG | transfer_svc_JVM_ARGS | Option to add debug parameters or modify the JVM memory configuration parameters. | agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address= 8085,server=y,suspend=y | - |
TRANSFER_SVC_CFG | transfer_svc_batchSize | Number of content files that can be processed in a batch. Use this option to optimize the generation of CSV files that are uploaded using the upload service. | 4 | 1 |
TRANSFER_SVC_CFG | transfer_svc_stagingMaxRetry | Number of retries in case of failure while staging the content. | 5 | 3 |
TRANSFER_SVC_CFG | transfer_svc_parallelTaskExecutorsSize | Number of concurrent running tasks. | 5 | 4 |
TRANSFER_SVC_CFG | transfer_svc_contentBatchExecutorsSize | Number of concurrent content uploads using the upload service. | 5 | 4 |
TRANSFER_SVC_CFG | transfer_svc_stagingBatchExecutorsSize | Number of concurrent content staging tasks. | 5 | 4 |
TRANSFER_SVC_CFG | transfer_svc_contentWorkersBean | Transfer service beans that do the staging, ingestion and log transfer. To disable staging, specify only ingest and log transfer. | ingestion,log | ingestion,staging,log |
TRANSFER_SVC_CFG | transfer_svc_ingestionMaxRetry | Number of retries for upload and bulk ingestion in case of failure. | 5 | 3 |
TRANSFER_SVC_CFG | transfer_svc_contentMaxRetentionTimeInMin | Option to retain or delete the metadata extraction results after upload. The default behavior is to delete the results. | 600 | 0 |
TRANSFER_SVC_CFG | transfer_svc_postDriverCompletionMaxWaitTimeInSec | Number of seconds after which long running or unresponsive ingestion tasks will be terminated. The default behavior is to not terminate any long running or unresponsive ingestion task. | 10 | -1 |
APP_LOG4J | name | Common property for all Secure Agent applications. | AppLogPropertiesConfig | AppLogPropertiesConfig Xmx2048m |
APP_LOG4J | rootLogger_level | Common property for all Secure Agent applications. | warn | info |
APP_LOG4J | rootLogger_appenderRefs | Common property for all Secure Agent applications. | applog | applog |
APP_LOG4J | rootLogger_appenderRefs_applog_ref | Common property for all Secure Agent applications. | LOGFILE | LOGFILE |
APP_LOG4J | appenders | Common property for all Secure Agent applications. | applog | applog |
APP_LOG4J | appender_applog_type | Common property for all Secure Agent applications. | RollingFile | RollingFile |
APP_LOG4J | appender_applog_name | Common property for all Secure Agent applications. | LOGFILE | LOGFILE |
APP_LOG4J | appender_applog_filePattern | Common property for all Secure Agent applications. | %d{MM-dd-yy-HH-mm-ss}-%i | %d{MM-dd-yy-HH-mm-ss}-%i |
APP_LOG4J | appender_applog_layout_type | Common property for all Secure Agent applications. | PatternLayout | PatternLayout |
APP_LOG4J | appender_applog_layout_pattern | Common property for all Secure Agent applications. | %d %d{z} %p [%c] - %m%n | %d %d{z} %p [%c] - %m%n |
APP_LOG4J | appender_applog_policies_type | Common property for all Secure Agent applications. | Policies | Policies |
APP_LOG4J | appender_applog_policies_size_type | Common property for all Secure Agent applications. | SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy | SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy |
APP_LOG4J | appender_applog_policies_size_size | Common property for all Secure Agent applications. | 5MB | 10MB |
APP_LOG4J | appender_applog_strategy_type | Common property for all Secure Agent applications. | DefaultRolloverStrategy | DefaultRolloverStrategy |
APP_LOG4J | appender_applog_strategy_max | Common property for all Secure Agent applications. | 5 | 5 |
APP_LOGBACK | logback_log_file_pattern | Common property for all Secure Agent applications. | {yyyy-ww} | {yyyy-ww} |
APP_LOGBACK | logback_log_max_file_size | Common property for all Secure Agent applications. | 5MB | 10MB |
APP_LOGBACK | logback_log_max_history | Common property for all Secure Agent applications. | 20 | 10 |
APP_LOGBACK | logback_root_level | Common property for all Secure Agent applications. | DEBUG | INFO |