Secure Agent Services > SecretManagerApp


The SecretManagerApp service is the Secure Agent service that manages communication between Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services and your secrets manager when your organization uses an external secrets manager like AWS Secrets Manager or Azure Key Vault.
To change or optimize the behavior of the SecretManagerApp service, configure its properties in the System Configuration Details section when you edit a Secure Agent.
The following image shows some of the SecretManagerApp service properties:
The SecretManagerApp service properties include the LOG4J rootLogger property, as well as the following SECRET_MANAGER_APP_CONF properties: host, address, JVM_MIN_MEMORY, and JVM_MAX_MEMORY.
You can configure the following SecretManagerApp service properties:
Amount of memory allocated for the SecretManagerApp service when the service starts.
Default is 32 MB.
Maximum memory allocated for the SecretManagerApp service.
Default is 256 MB.
Note: Do not change the values of other SecretManagerApp service properties unless Informatica Global Customer Support instructs you to do so.