Connections > REST V2 connection properties > Connect to REST V2

Connect to REST V2

Let's configure the REST V2 connection properties to interact with web service applications built on REST architecture.

Before you begin

Before you get started, be sure to complete the prerequisites.

Connection details

The following table describes the basic connection properties:
Connection Name
Name of the connection.
Each connection name must be unique within the organization. Connection names can contain alphanumeric characters, spaces, and the following special characters: _ . + -,
Maximum length is 255 characters.
Description of the connection. Maximum length is 4000 characters.
Use Secret Vault
Stores sensitive credentials for this connection in the secrets manager that is configured for your organization.
This property appears only if secrets manager is set up for your organization.
This property is not supported by Data Ingestion and Replication.
When you enable the secret vault in the connection, you can select which credentials that the Secure Agent retrieves from the secrets manager. If you don't enable this option, the credentials are stored in the repository or on a local Secure Agent, depending on how your organization is configured.
For information about how to configure and use a secrets manager, see Secrets manager configuration.
Runtime Environment
Name of the runtime environment where you want to run tasks.
Select a Secure Agent, Hosted Agent, or serverless runtime environment.
You cannot run a streaming ingestion task on a Hosted Agent or serverless runtime environment.

Authentication types

You can configure standard, OAuth 2.0 client credentials, OAuth 2.0 authorization code, JWT bearer token, and API key authentication types to connect to a REST endpoint.
Select the required authentication method and then configure the authentication-specific parameters.

Advanced settings

The following table describes the advanced connection properties:
TrustStore File Path
The absolute path of the truststore file that contains the TLS certificate to establish a one-way or two-way secure connection with the REST API. Specify a directory path that is available on each Secure Agent machine.
You can also configure the truststore file name and password as a JVM option or import the certificate to the following directory:
<Secure Agent installation directory\jre\lib\security\cacerts.
For the serverless runtime environment, specify the truststore file path in the serverless agent directory.
For example, /home/cldagnt/SystemAgent/serverless/configurations/ssl_store/<cert_name>.jks
TrustStore Password
The password for the truststore file that contains the SSL certificate.
You can also configure the truststore password as a JVM option.
KeyStore File Path
The absolute path of the keystore file that contains the keys and certificates required to establish a two-way secure communication with the REST API. Specify a directory path that is available on each Secure Agent machine.
You can also configure the keystore file name and path as a JVM option or import the certificate to any directory.
For the serverless runtime environment, specify the keystore file path in the serverless agent directory.
For example, /home/cldagnt/SystemAgent/serverless/configurations/ssl_store/<cert_name>.jks
KeyStore Password
The password for the keystore file required for secure communication.
You can also configure the keystore password as a JVM option.
Proxy Type
Type of proxy.
Select one of the following options:
  • - No Proxy: Bypasses the proxy server configured in the agent or the connection properties.
  • - Platform Proxy: Considers the proxy configured in the agent.
  • - Custom Proxy: Considers the proxy configured in the connection properties.
Proxy Configuration
The format required to configure proxy.
Configure proxy using the following format:
You cannot configure an authenticated proxy server.
Advanced Fields
Enter the arguments that the agent uses when connecting to a REST endpoint.
When you specify multiple arguments, separate each argument by a semicolon.
For example,
You can specify the following arguments:
  • - ConnectionTimeout. The wait time in milliseconds to get a response from a REST endpoint. The connection ends after the connection timeout is over.
  • Default is the timeout defined in the endpoint API.
    Note: If you define both the REST V2 connection timeout and the endpoint API timeout, the connection ends at the shortest defined timeout.
  • - connectiondelaytime. The delay time in milliseconds to send a request to a REST endpoint.
  • Default is 10000.
  • - retryattempts. Number of times the connection is attempted when 400 and 500 series error codes are returned in the response.
  • Default is 3. Specify 0 to disable the retry attempts.
  • - qualifiedSchema. Determines if the schema selected is qualified or unqualified.
  • Default is false.
Note: In a streaming ingestion and replication task, only ConnectionTimeout and retryattempts are applicable.

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