Connections > Google Sheets connection properties

Google Sheets connection properties

When you create a Google Sheets connection, you must configure the connection properties.
The following table describes the Google Sheets connection properties:
Runtime Environment
Name of the runtime environment where you want to run the tasks.
Required. The Client ID from Google Developer Console.
Required. The Client Secret from Google Developer Console.
Required. The Refresh Token received after exchanging authorization code for Google Sheets.
Optional. The Refresh Token received after exchanging authorization code for Google Drive. This option is required when you enter the spreadsheet name in the SpreadSheetName field.
Name of the spreadsheet in Google Sheets.
ID of the spreadsheet in Google Sheets.
Specifies the first column name from a data range in a Google Sheets spreadsheet from where you want to start reading the data.
For example, specify the InitialColumnRange value as Sheet1!C5.
Specifies the last column name from a data range in a Google Sheets spreadsheet from where you want to stop reading the data.
For example, specify the FinalColumnRange value as Sheet1!G20.
Select this option to indicate that the sheet contains a header. If you select this option and the sheet does not contain a header, the first row is treated as the header.
Select this option to create a new spreadsheet in Google Sheets.
The Google Sheets Connector creates an empty spreadsheet with the name that you specified in the SpreadSheetName field.
Once you test the connection, disable this option. Otherwise, the Google Sheets Connector will create a new spreadsheet with the same name everytime