Connections > Microsoft Dynamics CRM connection properties

Microsoft Dynamics CRM connection properties

Use a Microsoft Dynamics CRM connection to connect to a Microsoft Dynamics CRM object.
Important: Microsoft Dynamics CRM Connector is deprecated and has been moved to maintenance mode. Informatica intends to drop support in a future release. Informatica recommends that you use Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales Connector to access Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
The following table describes the Microsoft Dynamics CRM connection properties:
Connection property
Authentication Type
Authentication type for the connection. Select a valid authentication type. Use one of the following authentication types:
  • - Active Directory
  • - Internet Facing Deployment (IFD)
  • - Microsoft Live Authentication using OAuth Authentication
Note: When you use a serverless runtime environment, you cannot configure Active Directory and IFD authentication.
User Name
The user name to connect to Microsoft Dynamics CRM account.
For Microsoft Live authentication using OAuth, use the Application ID as user name.
The password to connect to Microsoft Dynamics CRM account.
For Microsoft Live authentication using OAuth, use the Client Secret as password.
Organization Name
Microsoft Dynamics CRM organization name. Organization names are case sensitive.
For Microsoft Live Authentication using OAuth, use the Tenant ID registered with the Organization.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM domain name.
You can use the domain specified in the connection property for IFD and Active Directory authentication.
Service URL
URL of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM service.
For Active Directory authentication, use one of the following formats:
http://<>:<port> or https://<>:<port>
For IFD authentication, use the following format:
For Microsoft Live authentication using OAuth, specify the CRM Organization Service web service URL.
Security Token Service URL
Microsoft Dynamics CRM security token service URL. For example,
IFD authentication only.