Connections > SAP OData V4 connection properties > Prepare for authentication

Prepare for authentication

You can configure authorization code authentication type to read from OData V4-compliant applications in SAP.
Before you configure the connection properties, you need to keep the authentication details handy.

Authorization code

To connect to SAP OData V4 services using the OAuth 2.0 authorization code, you need the SAP client ID, client secret, authorization token URL, access token URL, and access token.
To get the authorization details, you need to create an authorization integration in SAP, and register the Informatica redirect URL in SAP Integration Suite. SAP Integration Suite is an integration platform-as-a-service that enables clients that support OAuth to redirect users to an authorization page and generate access tokens.
Register the following Informatica redirect URL in SAP Integration Suite:
https://<Informatica cloud hosting facility for your organization>/ma/proxy/oauthcallback
If the access token expires and the response returns 401 error code, Informatica redirect URL, which is outside the customer firewall, tries to connect to the endpoint and retrieves a new access token.
For more information about how to create an authorization integration and get the authorization details, see OAuth 2.0 authorization code in the SAP documentation.