Connections > SAP HANA connection properties > Prerequisites


Before you create an SAP HANA connection to read from or write to SAP HANA databases, the SAP HANA administrator needs to perform certain prerequisite tasks to configure the Secure Agent machine and SAP system.
  1. 1Install the 64-bit SAP HANA ODBC driver.
  2. 2Create an ODBC data source based on your operating system:
  3. 3Download and configure the ngdbc.jar file.
For more information about how to connect to SAP HANA databases in cloud, see Connecting to the SAP HANA database in SAP HANA Cloud in the SAP documentation.
After the administrator completes the configurations, you can set up and use an SAP HANA connection in mappings and mapping tasks.

Creating a HANA ODBC Data Source on Windows

After you install the SAP HANA ODBC driver on Windows, use the ODBC data source administrator to create an SAP HANA ODBC data source.
    1Select Start > Administrative Tools > Data Source (ODBC).
    The ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog box appears.
    2Click the System DSN tab, and then click Add.
    The Create New Data Source dialog box appears.
    3Select the HANA ODBC driver HDBODBC for 64-bit Windows or driver HDBCODBC32 for 32-bit Windows to set up the SAP HANA data source.
    Select the driver to set up a data source.
    4Click Finish.
    The SAP HDB dialog box opens.
    5Enter the data source name, description, server and port fields required to access SAP HANA.
    Additionally, click Connect to verify to test if the ODBC connection successfully connects to the SAP HANA server.
    Add the SAP HANA connection details.
    6Click OK to complete the driver configuration.

Adding entries in Linux operating system

After you install the SAP HANA ODBC driver on Linux, configure the SAP HANA ODBC data source. The operating system user that runs the Informatica processes must have read and execute permissions on the SAP HANA ODBC driver file.
  1. 1Set the following environment variables.
    Set the variable to the ODBC installation directory.
    For example, setenv ODBCHOME /export/home/Informatica Cloud Secure Agent/drivers/misc/latest/bin
    Set the variable to the directory that contains the odbc.ini file.
    For example, setenv ODBCINI /export/home/Informatica Cloud Secure Agent/odbc.ini
    Set the variable to the directory that contains the odbcinst.ini file.
    For example, setenv ODBCINST /export/home/Informatica Cloud Secure Agent/odbcinst.ini
    Set the shared library environment variable to the directory where the SAP HANA ODBC driver is installed.
    For example, setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH ".:${PM_HOME}:${JAVA_HOME}/lib:${ORACLE_HOME}/lib:/usr/sap/hdbclient:"
  3. 2Add the SAP HANA driver details to the odbcinst.ini file located in the Secure Agent installation directory.
  4. For example, append the following SAP HANA driver details in the odbcinst.ini file to connect to the SAP HANA database:
    Description=HANA Driver
    Note: In the example, the following path is the location for the driver installation:
  5. 3Add the SAP HANA data source entries to the odbc.ini file located in the system $ODBCHOME directory.
  6. For example, add the following SAP HANA data source entries to the odbc.ini file:
    [SAP HANA source]
    User=<Hana User>
    Password=<Hana Password>
    The odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini files must be in the same location.

Downloading and configuring libraries

SAP HANA Connector uses JDBC to import the metadata. Hence, to read data from the SAP HANA database, download the ngdbc.jar file and configure it on the Secure Agent machine. Contact SAP Customer Support if you encounter any issues with downloading the file.
    1Go to the SAP Service Marketplace:
    Note: You need SAP credentials to access the Service Marketplace.
    2Download the ngdbc.jar file on the Linux or Windows machine where the Secure Agent runs.
    Verify that you download the most recent version of the file.
    3Copy the ngdbc.jar file to the following directory:
    C:\Program Files\Informatica Cloud Secure Agent\apps\Data_Integration_Server\ext\deploy_to_main\bin\rdtm-extra\HANA
    Create the deploy_to_main\bin\rdtm-extra\HANA directory if it does not already exist.
    4Restart the Secure Agent.