File Transfer > File servers > AS2 server configuration properties

AS2 server configuration properties

For each runtime environment that uses the File Integration Service, you can configure an AS2 server to receive files from remote AS2 servers.
You configure AS2 server properties on the AS2 Server tab of the File Server for agent page.
Configure the following types of properties:

General properties

The following table describes general AS2 server properties:
Enable AS2 Server
Whether to enable the AS2 server.
When not enabled, the AS2 server cannot receive files.
Default is disabled.
AS2 Server Id
Name or ID used by the sender. Note the following rules for the ID:
  • - The value is case sensitive.
  • - The ID can contain up to 128 ASCII characters, special characters, and spaces.
Port number for the AS2 server.
Default is 15400.
Local Address
Local address of the AS2 sever.
Enable SSL
Whether to use SSL encryption in communications with remote AS2 servers.
Default is disabled.

SSL properties

The following table describes the SSL properties:
SSL Protocol
Whether to use the SSL or TLS protocol to secure HTTPS connection.
Select one of the following values:
  • - TLS. A new version of SSL, Transport Layer Security is used to secure the transmission.
  • - SSL. A traditional Secure Socket Layer protocol is used to secure the transmission.
Default is SSL.
Enabled SSL Protocols
Specify the permissible TLS and SSL versions separated with a comma.
The supported versions are:
  • - TLS: TLSv1.2, and TLSv1.3
  • - SSL: SSLv2Hello and SSLv3
When a value is not specified, all the versions for the selected protocol are enabled.
Client Authentication
Whether the client must have a certificate to authenticate with the server.
Choose one of the following values:
  • - None. The SSL connection runs without checking certificates and the user is authenticated with a password. If any of the information being transmitted requires a certificate, the connection fails.
  • - Required. The SSL connection will not connect or authenticate a user unless a valid certificate is available.
  • - Optional. The SSL connection looks for a valid certificate, but continues with password authentication if a certificate is not present.
Key Store Location
Location of the key store that stores the private key and associated certificates that the client uses to authenticate communications with the File Integration Service.
Include a path and a file name.
Key Store Password
Password to access the key store.
Key Store Type
Type of the private key store.
Use one of the following values:
  • - JKS
  • - PKCS12
Key Alias
Key alias or certificate for the private key used to sign the MDN.
Trust Store Location
The path to the trust store file that the File Integration Service uses for HTTPS communication.
Trust Store Password
Password to access the trust store.
Trust Store Type
Type of trust store.
Use one of the following values:
  • - JKS
  • - PKCS12

Listeners properties

You can add multiple server listeners to an AS2 server. Use a server listener to configure the AS2 server with a specific port number and local address. To add a server listener to the list, click Add Listener.
The following table describes the add listener properties:
Name of the server listener.
Port number of the server that the listener monitors.
Local Address
Local address of the server listener.
Enable SSL
Whether to enable SSL over HTTPS connection to communicate with the AS2 listener .
When disabled, use HTTP instead of HTTPS to establish a connection with the AS2 listener.
Default is disabled.
SSL Protocol
Applies when you enable SSL. Whether to use the SSL or TLS protocol to secure HTTPS connection.
Select one of the following values:
  • - TLS. A new version of SSL, Transport Layer Security will be used to secure the transmission.
  • - SSL. A traditional Secure Socket Layer protocol is used to secure the transmission.
Enabled SSL Protocols
Applies when you enable SSL. Specify the permissible TLS and SSL versions separated with a comma.
The supported versions are:
  • - TLS: TLSv1.2, and TLSv1.3
  • - SSL: SSLv2Hello and SSLv3
When no value is specified, all the versions for the selected protocol are enabled.
Client Authentication
Whether the client must have a certificate to authenticate with the server.
Choose one of the following values:
  • - None. The SSL connection runs without checking certificates and the user is authenticated with a password. If any of the information being transmitted requires a certificate, the connection fails.
  • - Required. The SSL connection will not connect or authenticate a user unless a valid certificate is available.
  • - Optional. The SSL connection looks for a valid certificate, but continues with password authentication if a certificate is not present.
Key Store Location
Location of the key store that stores the private key and associated certificates that the client uses to authenticate communications with the File Integration Service.
Include a path and a file name.
Key Store Password
Password to access the key store.
Key Store Type
Type of private key store.
Use one of the following values:
  • - JKS
  • - PKCS12
Key Alias
A unique name assigned to a key in a Key Store.
Trust Store Location
The path to the trust store file that the File Integration Service uses for HTTPS communication.
Trust Store Password
Password to access the trust store.
Trust Store Type
Type of trust store.
Use one of the following values:
  • - JKS (Java Key Store)
  • - PKCS12 (Public-Key Cryptography Standards)

Message security properties

The following table describes basic message security properties:
Encryption Required
Whether files received by the File Integration Service must be encrypted.
Default is enabled.
Signature Required
Whether files from the remote AS2 server must contain a digital signature. If a signature is required, the File Integration Service rejects any messages without the signature.
Default is enabled.
Authentication Required
Whether the user is required to authenticate.
Default is disabled.
Decryption Certificate Alias
Key alias or certificate used to decrypt incoming messages. The alias references a certificate in the key store.
All partners who send AS2 messages must have the public portion of this certificate.

MDN properties

The following table describes message receipt properties:
MDN Signature Certificate Alias
Alias that refers to the private key that the AS2 server uses to sign the message receipt. The private key is in the default private key store.
Asynchronous MDN Automatic Approval
Whether to send a return receipt automatically or manually.
Enabled Proxy for Async MDN
Determines if a proxy server is enabled for Asynchronous MDN.
Default is disabled.
Proxy Type
Type of proxy server to use for the connection.
Select one of the following types:
  • - SOCKS. You can use SOCKS version 4 or 5.
  • - HTTPS.
  • - Informatica File Server proxy.
Verify with your network administrator which proxy server type to use.
Host name or IP address of the proxy server on your network.
Port number of the proxy server on your network. If left blank, the default port for HTTP is 80 and the default port for SOCKS is 1080.
User name to use for login when connecting to the proxy server.
Password for connecting to the proxy server. Required if your network uses the proxy server to create HTTP or HTTPS connections.

Upload restrictions properties

You can specify the types of files to allow or deny in an AS2 file upload. The following table describes the properties that control upload restrictions:
File Extension Filter Type
Whether to accept or deny the extensions in the File Extensions list.
Use one of the following values:
  • - Do Not Filter. Accept all file types.
  • - Accept. Accept files with the extensions listed in the File Extensions property.
  • - Deny. Do not allow files with the extensions listed in the File Extensions property.
File Extensions
List of file extensions. Add the file extensions that correspond to the File Extension Filter Type. For example, to accept .csv and .txt files, in the File Extension Filter Type property, select Accept, and then add csv and txt to the list of file extensions.
To add an extension to the list, type the extension in the text box and click Add.
To remove an extension from the list, highlight the extension and click Delete.
File Extension Case Sensitive
Whether to factor case when you filter using the file extensions list. When enabled, files with extensions that do not match the case used in the File Extensions list cannot be uploaded.
For example, if the file extension list includes csv but not CSV, files with the extension of csv can be uploaded but files with the extension of CSV cannot be uploaded.
Allow Files with Extension
Whether to enable the file extension filter. When enabled, the file extension properties configured on this page determine which file types can be uploaded.
Default is enabled.
Allow Files with No Extension
Whether to allow files that do not include the extension in the file name.
Default is enabled.
Allow Files with No Name
Whether to allow files with no name. The Secure Agent saves files without a name using the following format: as2data_<datetime>
where datetime is the current time stamp including milliseconds.
Default is enabled.
File Name Suffix Timestamp (Optional)
Whether to append timestamp to the file name. When enabled, the timestamp is suffixed to the file name.
Max Upload Size
Maximum file size that the AS2 server can upload, in megabytes.
Default is 5 MB.
When File Exists
Choose the action to be performed when a file that already exists in the folder is received again.
Select one of the following options:
  • - Rename: Rename the newly received file.
  • - Append: Append the changes to the existing file.
  • - Overwrite: Overwrite the existing file with the newly received file.
  • - Error: Display an error if the file already exists.