File Transfer > File servers > Proxy server configuration properties

Proxy server configuration properties

For each runtime environment that uses the File Integration Service, you can configure one or more proxy servers.
You configure proxy server properties on the Proxy Server tab of the File Server for agent page. The latest available file integration proxy version appears on this tab.
Note: You must also install the proxy server in the DMZ. For more information, see Installing a file integration proxy server.
To add a proxy server, click Add Proxy Configuration, configure server settings, and click Save.
Configure the following types of properties:

General properties

The following table describes general proxy server properties:
Whether or not the proxy server is enabled.
Default is Yes.
Controller Address
External IP address of the server in the DMZ on which the proxy server listens for control connections from the organization file servers.
Controller Port
Port number for the server in the DMZ on which the proxy server listens for control connections from the organization file servers.
Default is 9100.
Minimum Number of Threads
Minimum number of threads that are reserved for connections to the location where the proxy server is installed.
Default is 10.
Maximum Number of Threads
Maximum number of simultaneous requests that the proxy server can handle.
Default is 2000.
Thread Keep Alive Time
The number of seconds idle threads wait before terminating.
Default is 60.

Service mappings properties

To configure service mappings for the proxy server, in the Proxy Server Configuration page, click Add next to Service Mappings, configure the mapping parameters, and click OK. You can add as many service mappings as required to associate internal file servers with the proxy server.
The following table describes the service mappings properties:
Label of the mapping.
From Address
IP address of the proxy server.
From Port
Port number of the proxy server.
To Address
IP address of the internal file server.
To Port
Port number of the internal file server.
Load Balancer Rule
Name of the load balancing rule to use with the mapping. The name of the rule must be identical to the name that appears in the proxy.xml file, which is part of the proxy server installation. For more information, see Installing a file integration proxy server.