Advanced Clusters > Setting up AWS > Step 9. Configure the Elastic Server

Step 9. Configure the Elastic Server

In Administrator, configure the service properties for the Elastic Server.
The following image shows the Elastic Server properties:
When you view or edit a Secure Agent and select the Elastic Server as the service, the Elastic Server properties appear in the System Configuration Details area. The service type is set to All Types, and the PARAMFILE, LOG4J, AWS, AZURE, and CONCURRENCY properties are displayed.
You can configure the following Elastic Server properties:
Indicates whether developers can download parameter files that are stored on the Secure Agent machine.
Default is 'true.'
List of directories on the Secure Agent machine that allow parameter file download. Developers can download parameter files from any of the specified directories or subdirectories.
Default is '/$AGENT_HOME/apps/data/userparameters, /$AGENT_HOME/apps/Data_Integration_Server/data/userparameters.'
Level of detail that the Elastic Server writes to log files. Enter the logging level as a string, such as 'INFO.'
As the logging level increases, the messages that the Elastic Server writes to log files include the messages in the prior logging levels. For example, if the logging level is INFO, the log contains FATAL, ERROR, WARNING, and INFO code messages.
The following values are valid:
  • - FATAL. Includes nonrecoverable system failures that cause the service to shut down or become unavailable.
  • - ERROR. Includes connection failures, failures to save or retrieve metadata, and service errors.
  • - WARNING. Includes recoverable system failures or warnings.
  • - INFO. Includes system and service change messages.
  • - TRACE. Logs user request failures.
  • - DEBUG. Logs user request logs.
External ID that the Secure Agent specifies when the agent attempts to assume the cluster operator role. Required if you configure an external ID in the trust relationship of the cluster operator role.
This property takes effect only in an AWS environment.
ARN of the cluster operator role.
Required when you set up separate cluster operator and Secure Agent roles in an AWS environment.
This property takes effect only in an AWS environment.
Session duration of the AWS AssumeRole API in seconds. By default, the session duration is 1800 seconds (30 minutes).
Overrides the maximum CLI/API session duration that is configured for the cluster operator role. If the session duration configured for the Elastic Server is longer than session duration for the cluster operator role, the Secure Agent might fail to assume the cluster operator role.
This property takes effect only in an AWS environment.
Client ID of the managed identity agent_identity. Required when agent_identity is a user-assigned managed identity and the Secure Agent machine has at least one other managed identity.
This property takes effect only in an Azure environment.
Indicates whether the Elastic Server queues Spark tasks. Default is true.
Maximum number of concurrent Spark tasks that the Elastic Server can process.
Tomcat JRE
Minimum and maximum heap size.
For the Elastic Server, the default is '-Xms256M -Xmx2048M', with 256MB minimum memory and 2048MB maximum memory.
For more information, see Data Integration Performance Tuning and the following Knowledge Base article: FAQ: What are the guidelines and best practices to increase Java heap size and other memory attributes of the Informatica Cloud Secure Agent?
For more information about Secure Agent services, see Secure Agent Services.