API Policies > Rate limit policies > Creating a rate limit policy

Creating a rate limit policy

Create a rate limit policy to assign to operations to control the number of times API consumers can access the operation during a designated time frame.
If you are assigned an Administrator or API Policy Manager role, you can create a rate limit policy. When you create a rate limit policy, the policy is enabled by default. You or other API Center user roles can then associate the rate limit policy while designing an API.
Note: Ensure that the managed API operation name for which you want to create the rate limit policy doesn't contain the keyword "_default" because "_default" is reserved for Informatica internal use.
    1On the Policies page, click Create Policy.
    The Create Policy dialog box appears.
    2In the Name field, enter a name for the policy.
    3From the Type list, select Rate Limit and then click Create.
    4Optionally, in the Description field, enter a description.
    5In the Number of Calls field, specify the maximum number of times API consumers can access an operation during a designated time frame.
    Enter a number from 1 through 1000000. The number of calls can't exceed the specified time frame by a multiple of 50.
    6In the Time Frame field, specify the time frame in seconds.
    Enter a number from 1 through 86400.
    7Click Save.
    The rate limit policy appears on the Policies page, under Operational Policies.