If you are assigned the Deployer or Admin role, you can deprecate a managed API group and its operations. You can deprecate a managed API group if the API is in the active state or shared state.
If you plan to deactivate a managed API group, deprecate the managed API group first to inform the API consumers that the deprecated managed API group might not be available for consumption in the future. The existing API consumers can continue using the deprecated managed API group and its operations until the API group is deactivated.
After you deprecate a managed API group, the API endpoint URL doesn't appear on the Group Operations tab of the managed APIs group page. You can't download the API group specification for a deprecated managed API group.
1On the API Groups page, select the Managed API Groups tab.
2Click the Actions menu on the row of the managed API group and select Deprecate Managed API Group.
The Update <managed_API_Group_name> Lifecycle Status dialog box appears.
3Optionally, on the Deprecated tab, enter one or more valid email addresses.
No email communications are sent to these email addresses. You can use the Email Address field as a placeholder to add the email addresses. You can refer to the placeholder email addresses when you want to send a notification to the API consumers externally.
4Optionally, add required notes.
5Click Confirm.
The managed API group status changes to Deprecated.
You can view or deactivate a deprecated managed API group.