Manage APIs > Managed APIs > Monitor managed APIs

Monitor managed APIs

If you are assigned the API Monitor or Admin role, you can use the API Monitor page to monitor the invocations of managed APIs in an organization.
You can filter and view the following details for each API invocation:
You can select the time frame for which you want to view the API invocation details. You can select one of the following time frames:
You can use CUSTOM to customize the time frame for which to view the API invocation details.
You can filter the search results based on the Provider, IP Address, Duration, API Context, and Method fields.

Viewing and downloading API activity logs

You can view and download API activity logs of the API invocations from the API Monitor page. You can download log entries as a text file from the last one through four hours.
To download a log file, on the API Monitor page, from the time frame menu, select a time frame and click Download.
Activity logs display a maximum of the first 500 invocations in a selected time range. You can also download activity logs for a maximum of 30 days. Use the CUSTOM option from the time frame menu to download activity logs for a customized time period. Use the Select Date Range time picker to set the customized time period.
Consider the following guidelines when you customize a time period: