When you create and activate a custom managed API, you can choose to dynamically change the path parameter and query parameter values.
Path parameters and query parameters are request parameters attached to a URL that point to a specific REST API resource.
Use path parameters when you need to identify a specific resource within the managed API. The path parameter is separated from the URL by a / and is contained within curly braces. Use query parameters when you need to provide additional information or filter criteria without changing the core resource being accessed.
Path parameters are part of the endpoint and are required. For example, in /users/{id}, {id} is the path parameter of the endpoint /users which is pointing to a specific user's record. An endpoint can have multiple path parameters. For example, /organizations/{orgId}/members/{memberId}. The endpoint is pointing to a specific member's record within a specific organization, with both {orgID} and {memberID} are mandatory variables.
Query parameters are separated from the URL by a question mark (?). A query parameter defines sort, pagination, search, or filter operations. A query is passed as a variable in the query parameter. For example, /users?sort=name&limit=10. This URL consists of two query parameters, sort and limit. Query parameters can modify the behavior of an API request by adding more information.
For more information about setting up path and query parameters in a custom managed API, see Publishing a custom API