You can unpublish an API that was published using a top-down approach or a bottom-up approach. You can also unpublish a custom API or any API published through an Application Integration process.
If you no longer need a published API, you can unpublish the API and permanently delete the unpublished API from API Center. The API that you want to unpublish must not contain any managed API in created, active, shared, deprecated, or inactive state.
If you unpublish and delete the latest version of an API, the previous version of the API automatically becomes the latest version of the API.
Unpublishing an API doesn't impact any API group. Any operation of the unpublished API that is referenced in an API group doesn't get unpublished when the API is unpublished.
1On the API Console page, click the Published APIs tab.
The Published APIs tab shows all the published APIs according to the Last Modified Date of the published API.
2Click the Actions menu on the row of the selected published API and select Unpublish.
The Confirm Unpublish dialog box appears.
3Click Unpublish.
A confirmation message about successful unpublish appears.
4Go to Explore > All Projects, and select your project.
All APIs and assets that you created using the top-down approach appears. The Published column displays the status of an unpublished API as No.