The November 2023 release of Business 360 Console includes the following important notices:
Preview initiated
Effective in the November 2023 release, the following functionalities are available for preview:
•Configure integer, double, decimal, date, or date and time fields to be calculated attributes. Calculated attributes indicate that the field values are calculated based on the values of attributes of a business entity or relationship.
For example, Client Site and Location are two related business entities. Opening Date is an attribute of the Client Site business entity. If you want the value of the earliest opening date of a client site in a location, create a calculated attribute in the Location business entity to find the minimum value of the Opening Date field.
•Enable the fields in a business entity for the users to use them in reports.
•Set survivorship rule for a field or field group based on the value of another field.
For example, for the full name field to survive based on age, configure a survivorship rule for the full name field that's based on the maximum value of the age field.
Preview functionality is supported for evaluation purposes but is unwarranted and is not supported in production environments or any environment that you plan to push to production. Informatica intends to include the preview functionality in an upcoming release for production use, but might choose not to in accordance with changing market or technical circumstances. For more information, contact Informatica Global Customer Support.