Introduction > Key concepts

Key concepts

Before you get started with Business 360 Console, become familiar with some key concepts.

Master data and Master Data Management

Master Data Management is the process by which master data is created and maintained as the system of records for an organization. Master data is data that is validated as correct, consistent, complete, and is the most up-to-date and accurate data.
Master data is created by consolidating the most trustworthy data from various source systems containing duplicate and conflicting data into Business 360 Console, resulting in master records that reflect the best version of the truth.

Business entity

A business entity is an entity of importance to your organization. Business entities can be people, places, or things. You can use the predefined business entities or create a new business entity. You can also customize the business entities by adding or removing fields and by editing other attributes, such as data quality and survivorship rules.

Reference data

Reference data is a set of values and codes that appear in a business entity picklist field. Use reference data to standardize values, such as country codes, currency codes, product codes, and cost centers.
For example, a Country reference data can contain a complete list of countries in the world. If you need a Country field in a business entity, add a Country picklist field and link it to the Country reference data.
Reference data can be dependent on other reference data. Use dependent reference data to provide context for values that are not unique, such as the names of cities. For example, to uniquely identify a city, you need the state and country of the city. Also, you can use dependent reference data to narrow down a large set of values. For example, when the City reference data is dependent on the Country and State reference data, only the cities within the selected state of a country are listed.

Data model

A data model is a definition of how data is structured. A data model includes business entities, reference data, relationships between business entities, and hierarchies.
Business entities are the core component of a data model.
MDM SaaS relies on a document-type data model instead of a relational data model.

Authorization asset

Authorization asset is an internal asset that an administrator uses to export and import the user roles and their associated privileges from a source organization to a target organization.


An organization is a secure area within the Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services repository that stores your licenses, user accounts, Business 360 Console assets, such as business entities and relationships, and information about jobs and security. MDM SaaS doesn't support sub-organizations, so you can't use any business application in a sub-organization.
An Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services user configured with the Admin role has full access to all the licensed services of the organization. This user can manage the organization and perform administrative tasks, such as configuring runtime environments, configuring the organization profile, and managing the organization security.


Match is the process of comparing records based on a set of predefined criteria or rules to identify duplicate records. Duplicate records are identical or similar to the records against which they are matched. Based on your configuration, the duplicate records identified by the match process are either automatically merged or queued for manual merge by a data steward.


An extension is a package of pre-configured assets to accelerate the implementation of a business application and extend its capabilities.
An extension is available as a package for installation on request. The package includes Intelligent Data Management Cloud (IDMC) assets, such as business entities, reference data, relationships, custom pages, jobs, source systems, Cloud Data Integration, and Cloud Application Integration assets. You can customize extensions based on your requirements.

Data store

The data store is the database for MDM SaaS to store master records, source records, relationship records, hierarchies, and history data.