Getting Started > Getting started with MDM SaaS > Limits and thresholds

Limits and thresholds

To help optimize performance and scalability of your organization, MDM SaaS introduced limits and thresholds for some configurations.
The volume of data in your organization plays a crucial role in the performance and scalability of your organization. When the data in a production organization grows, it can lead to potential problems related to performance and scalability. The limits are designed to help optimize performance and promote fair utilization of shared resources in the multi-organization environment of MDM SaaS.

Search and reports properties

When you enable business entity and system fields as searchable, reportable, or facetable, consider enabling only the fields that are crucial and will result in meaningful searches or reports. For example, fields such as First Name and Last Name might not provide meaningful insights in reports. However, fields, such as State, City, Country, or Education Level, can provide meaningful insights in reports. This approach helps avoid having to index all fields and thus improves efficiency and performance of your organization.
The following table lists the limits that the search and reports properties have:
Description of limit
Maximum number of reportable fields per business entity
30 fields
Maximum number of searchable fields per business entity
30 fields
Maximum number of facetable fields per business entity
25 fields
Maximum number of fields configured for auto suggestions per business entity
5 fields

Workflow tasks

The following table describes the limits related to workflow tasks:
Description of limit
Number of days after which inactive or unattended tasks that were created after the November 2023 release expire
365 days
Tasks created before the November 2023 release
Never expire
For more information about expiration of tasks, see Human task expiration.

Dynamic fields and hierarchy filtering

The following table lists the limits for dynamic fields and hierarchy filtering:
Description of limit
Maximum number of fields or field groups across all dynamic pools in MDM SaaS
1000 fields and field groups
Maximum number of relationships in all hierarchies of a hierarchy model for effective indexing for search and processing of dynamic field inheritance
When the number of hierarchical relationships in all the hierarchies of a hierarchy model exceeds 25 million, a process hierarchies job fails. For example, if 50 hierarchies are based on a model and the hierarchies have more than 25 million relationships, you can't index the hierarchies.
25 million relationships
Maximum number of hierarchies that are based on a hierarchy model for effective indexing for search and processing of dynamic field inheritance
When the number of hierarchies that are created based on a hierarchy model exceeds 250,000, a process hierarchies job fails.
250,000 hierarchies
Maximum number of records for each business entity that participates in a hierarchy model with dynamic field inheritance
For example, if the Category business entity is configured to inherit dynamic field definitions, maximum of 50,000 Category records can participate in hierarchies based on a hierarchy model. If the number of records exceeds 50,000, a process hierarchies job fails.
50,000 records
Maximum number of dynamic field definitions that a record can contain
The total number of dynamic field definitions that a record can contain includes its own definitions and the definitions inherited from its parent records.
If the number of dynamic field definitions in a record exceeds 100, a process hierarchies job fails.
100 dynamic field definitions

Business 360 REST APIs

The following table lists the limits for the Business 360 REST APIs:
Description of limit
Maximum size of a request payload
If the size of a request payload exceeds 1 MB, you can split the payload into multiple requests.
1 MB

Data model

The following table lists the limits for the data models that you define:
Description of limit
Maximum number of nested field group levels that you can configure for a business entity
6 levels

Dynamic fields and hierarchy filtering

The following table lists the limits for dynamic fields and hierarchy filtering:
Description of limit
Maximum number of fields or field groups across all dynamic pools in MDM SaaS
1000 fields and field groups
Maximum number of relationships in all hierarchies of a hierarchy model for effective indexing for search and processing of dynamic field inheritance
When the number of hierarchical relationships in all the hierarchies of a hierarchy model exceeds 25 million, a process hierarchies job fails. For example, if 50 hierarchies are based on a model and the hierarchies have more than 25 million relationships, you can't index the hierarchies.
25 million relationships
Maximum number of hierarchies that are based on a hierarchy model for effective indexing for search and processing of dynamic field inheritance
When the number of hierarchies that are created based on a hierarchy model exceeds 250,000, a process hierarchies job fails.
250,000 hierarchies
Maximum number of records for each business entity that participates in a hierarchy model with dynamic field inheritance
For example, if the Category business entity is configured to inherit dynamic field definitions, maximum of 50,000 Category records can participate in hierarchies based on a hierarchy model. If the number of records exceeds 50,000, a process hierarchies job fails.
50,000 records
Maximum number of dynamic field definitions that a record can contain
The total number of dynamic field definitions that a record can contain includes its own definitions and the definitions inherited from its parent records.
If the number of dynamic field definitions in a record exceeds 100, a process hierarchies job fails.
100 dynamic field definitions

Match and merge process

The following table lists the limits for the match and merge process:
Description of limit
Maximum number of match pairs that a match and merge job can generate for a business entity
If the match pairs exceed the maximum limit, the merge process doesn’t generate any record pair groups.
1 million match pairs
Maximum number of record pair groups that a merge process can generate for a business entity
If the record pair groups exceed the maximum limit, the merge process doesn't generate any record pair groups.
100,000 record pair groups

Search and reports properties

When you enable business entity and system fields as searchable, reportable, or facetable, consider enabling only the fields that are crucial and will result in meaningful searches or reports. For example, fields such as First Name and Last Name might not provide meaningful insights in reports.
However, fields, such as State, City, Country, or Education Level, can provide meaningful insights in reports. This approach helps avoid having to index all fields and thus improves efficiency and performance of your organization.
The following table lists the limits that the search and reports properties have:
Description of limit
Maximum number of reportable fields for a business entity
30 fields
Maximum number of searchable fields for a business entity
30 fields
Maximum number of facetable fields for a business entity
25 fields
Maximum number of fields configured for auto suggestions for a business entity
5 fields

Workflow tasks

The following table describes the limits related to workflow tasks:
Description of limit
Number of days after which inactive or unattended tasks that were created after the November 2023 release expire
365 days
Tasks created before the November 2023 release
Never expire
Maximum number of system-generated tasks for a business entity
For more information about expiration of tasks, see Human task expiration.