Reference data is a set of values that you can use in a business entity picklist field. Use reference data, such as countries, currency codes, and cost centers, to standardize the use of values. You can manually create reference data, import from a file, or use reference data created in Reference 360.
For example, a Country reference data might contain a list of all the countries in the world. If you need a Country field in a business entity, add a Country picklist field that has values sourced from the Country reference data.
You can use reference data that are dependent on other reference data to provide context for values that are not unique, such as the names of cities. For example, to uniquely identify a city, you need the state and country of the city. Also, dependent reference data narrows down a large set of values. For example, when the City reference data is dependent on the Country and State reference data, only the cities within the selected state of a country are listed.
Reference data includes code values, which are unique values, such as business terms, codes, and lookup values. When you use the predefined data model, reference data such as gender, countries, and currencies are available by default.