Configure Data Quality > Types of rule associations > Basic rule associations

Basic rule associations

A basic rule association is an association between a business entity field and a simple condition-based rule. When you create basic rule associations, you configure conditions, which are predefined functions, such as Regular Match and Concatenate. Use basic rule associations for business entities involved in high concurrent cleansing transactions.
For example, Smith Store wants to master data from a newly acquired business. Smith Store wants to combine the first name and last name of each customer to generate the full name to print on receipts. Smith Store can associate a basic rule with the Full Name field and concatenate the first name and last name values.
You can also create basic rule associations to validate input fields that are empty. These rule associations aren't applicable if configured for required fields.
When you configure basic rule associations, you configure conditions that transform or validate field values. To set the conditions, you can use predefined validation functions or predefined transformation functions. A validation function validates whether data matches the specified condition. A transformation function transforms source data.
The following table describes the validation functions that you can use:
Maximum Length
Validates whether the length of a string is less than or equal to the specified length.
Minimum Length
Validates whether the length of a string is greater than or equal to the specified length.
Starts With
Validates whether a string starts with the specified string.
Ends With
Validates whether a string ends with the specified string.
No Spaces
Validates whether a string does not contain spaces.
Validates whether a value contains the specified string in the exact order.
Does Not Contain
Validates whether a value does not contain the specified string in the exact order.
Allowed Characters
Validates whether a value contains the specified allowed characters.
Not Allowed Characters
Validates whether a value contains the specified characters that are not allowed.
Regular Match
Validates whether a string matches the specified regular expression pattern.
Business 360 Console follows the ECMA-262 standard for regular expression.
External Validation
Validates the field data based on an external validation rule that is associated to a Cloud Application Integration process. The Cloud Application Integration process uses external APIs to validate the data.
For more information about creating a process, see Cloud Application Integration.
Date Range
Validates whether a date is in between two specified dates.
Greater Than Date
Validates whether a date is greater than the specified date.
Lesser Than Date
Validates whether a date is less than the specified date.
No Future Date
Validates whether a date is not a future date.
Maximum Decimal Scale
Validates whether the number of decimal places is less than or equal to the specified value.
Minimum Value
Validates whether a numerical value is greater than or equal to the specified value.
Maximum Value
Validates whether a numerical value is less than or equal to the specified value.
Maximum Precision
Validates whether the total number of digits in a decimal number is less than or equal to the specified value.
The following table describes the transformation functions that you can use:
Concatenates two or more strings.
Concatenate With Spaces
Concatenates two or more strings with spaces in between.
Converts lowercase string characters to uppercase.
Converts uppercase string characters to lowercase.
Title Case
Capitalizes the first character in each word of a string and converts all other characters to lowercase.
Left Trim
Removes spaces from the beginning of a string.
Right Trim
Removes spaces at the end of a string.
Replaces a character set in a string with another character set.

Rules and guidelines for basic rule associations

Consider the following rules and guidelines to create basic rule associations: