Match Criteria | Description |
Address | Identifies an address match. The address might be postal, residential, delivery, descriptive, formal, or informal. |
AuthorISBN | Matches an author for the specified book with an International Standard Book Number (ISBN). |
CC_Issuer | Matches the organization that issues credit cards to the customers. Use this match criteria to match credit cards or the credit card-issuing organizations. |
CC_Owner | Matches the credit card owner and the address. |
Contact | Matches a contact within an organization at a specific location. |
Corp_Entity | Matches an organization based on its legal corporate name, including the legal endings such as INC and LTD. Use the Corp_Entity match criteria to honor differences between names, such as ABC TRADING INC and ABC TRADING LTD. |
Division | Matches an organization based on the address. This match criteria matches organization X at address Y or Z if multiple addresses are provided. |
Family | Matches individuals with the same or similar family names, who share the same address or the same telephone number. |
Fields | For general nonspecific use. Use this criteria with any field type. |
Geocode | Matches records based on geocode, which is the geographic coordinates and elevation. |
Household | Matches individuals with the same or similar family names, who share the same address. |
Individual | Matches individuals by name and with either the same ID or date of birth. |
Organization | Matches organizations primarily by name. Use this match criteria for online searches where a human is available to review the search results and make a choice. |
Person_Name | Matches a person by name. Use this match criteria for online searches where a human is available to review the search results and make a choice. |
PublisherISBN | Matches the publishing organization for a specified book with an International Standard Book Number (ISBN). The ISBN can be a 10-digit number or a 13-digit number. |
Relationship | Matches records based on the relationship between business entities. |
Resident | Matches a person based on an address. |
VIN_Manufacturer | Matches the manufacturer of a vehicle for a specified vehicle number. |
VIN_Owner | Identifies and matches the owner of a vehicle. |
Wide_Contact | Identifies a contact within an organization without regard to the location. |
Wide_Household | Identifies individuals who share the same address, the same family name, or the same phone number. |