After you configure a survivorship rule for a field, you can update the survivorship rule based on your requirement. After you update the survivorship configuration, trust scores of the business entity records aren't recalculated. When users edit the records, the trust scores are recalculated for the records.
1Open the business entity from the Explore page.
2On the Survivorship tab, select the field.
3To edit a survivorship rule for the selected object, in the Rule section, click the Edit icon.
The Rule Configuration dialog box appears.
4 From the Rule Type list, select the rule type.
5 If you selected the decay rule, configure trust decay for the source systems.
aSelect the source systems for which you want to configure the decay rule.
bConfigure the following trust decay properties for the source systems:
Trust Decay Property
Maximum Trust Score
The score to determine the start of trust decay. Enter a value from 0 through 1.
Minimum Trust Score
The minimum trust score that the source system can have. The value must be equal to or less than the maximum trust score.
Decay Unit
The time unit of the decay period.
Decay Period
Time taken for the trust score to decay from the maximum to the minimum score. The maximum value for the decay units is 999.
Decay Pattern
The pattern in which the trust score decreases during the decay period. You can view the decay pattern in the trust decay graph.
You can configure one of the following decay patterns:
- Linear. Shows a straight line from the maximum to minimum trust score.
- Rapid Initial Slow Later. Shows a concave curve. Trust score decreases rapidly at the beginning of the decay period and slows down towards the end of the decay period.
- Slow Initial Rapid Later. Shows a convex curve. Trust score decreases slowly at the beginning of the decay period and decreases rapidly towards the end of the decay period.
cClick Apply.
The trust decay graph appears.
If you select multiple source systems with different decay units, the highest decay unit of the selected source systems is used to display graphs for all the source systems. For example, if the selected source systems have days, hours, and minutes as decay units, the graph uses days to plot graphs for all source systems.
6To configure survivorship based on the value of another root field, select Evaluate based on, and select a root field.