Configure Survivorship > Key survivorship concepts > Rule


Defines the conditions for one or more fields and field groups or all the fields in the business entity to survive. Based on the survivorship configuration, a rule identifies the trusted value for a field. You can add, edit, or delete survivorship rules.
The conditions to determine the survivorship of fields and field groups can be based on their values or on other root field values.
You can configure the following types of survivorship rules:
Identifies the trusted value based on the trust levels and the decay rate of the field values. The trust levels indicate the confidence you have in the source system. The decay rate indicates the rate at which the trust level must decrease over a period of time. You can configure different trust levels and decay rates for each source system.
When the trust level of a source system decreases, the rule identifies another source system with a higher trust level during that time period.
For example, configure the decay rule for the price field group in the Informatica Customer 360 source system with maximum and minimum trust scores of 80 and 40. When you set the decay period to 10, it indicates that the trust score decays from maximum to minimum over that period.
The following image shows the decay rule configuration for the price field group:The image shows the decay rule configuration for the price field group.
You can configure a decay rule for fields and field groups based on their trust scores or the trust scores of other root fields.
For example, you want patient ID values to survive based on the trust score associated with the age of patients. To accomplish this requirement, configure a decay rule for the Patient ID field based on the Age field. The patient ID of the record that contains the highest trust score for age survives.
If you use a picklist, the code value of the picklist determines survivorship.
Identifies the maximum value of a field as the trusted value.
The following table lists the maximum value for different types of fields:
Field Type
Latest time stamp.
Date and Time
Latest time stamp.
Highest numeric value.
Highest numeric value.
Highest numeric value.
Maximum string value based on lexicographical sort order. Sorting is case-sensitive. In sorted data, uppercase letters come before lowercase letters.
Maximum code value based on lexicographical sort order. Sorting is case-sensitive. In sorted data, uppercase letters come before lowercase letters.
Business Entity Record
Maximum business ID value based on lexicographical sort order. Sorting is case-sensitive. In sorted data, uppercase letters come before lowercase letters.
You can configure a maximum rule for fields and field group based on their values or values of other root fields. If you use a picklist, the code value of the picklist determines the survivorship.
For example, you want to survive the patient ID value based on the age of the patient. To accomplish this requirement, configure a maximum rule for the Patient ID field based on the Age field.
Identifies the minimum value of a field as the trusted value.
The following table lists the minimum value for different types of fields:
Field Type
Earliest time stamp.
Date and Time
Earliest time stamp.
Lowest numeric value.
Lowest numeric value.
Lowest numeric value.
Minimum string value based on lexicographical sort order. Sorting is case-sensitive. In sorted data, uppercase letters come before lowercase letters.
Minimum code value based on lexicographical sort order. Sorting is case-sensitive. In sorted data, uppercase letters come before lowercase letters.
Business Entity Record
Minimum business ID value based on lexicographical sort order. Sorting is case-sensitive. In sorted data, uppercase letters come before lowercase letters.
You can configure a minimum rule for fields and field group based on their values or values of other root fields. If you use a picklist, the code value of the picklist determines the survivorship.
For example, you want to survive the patient ID value based on the age of the patient. To accomplish this requirement, configure a minimum rule for the Patient ID field based on the Age field.