Consider the following rules and guidelines of survivorship:
•The survivorship configuration uses the current downgrade trust score that you define for data quality. If the downgrade trust score for a field is lower than the survivorship trust score, the system considers the downgrade trust score for survivorship.
•If you disable block survivorship for a field group, parent picklists and their dependent picklists must have the same survivorship rules.
•Ensure that block survivorship is enabled for a field group that has a DaaS rule association for real-time address verification.
•If an attribute has survivorship rules and data quality rules with trust score downgraded, the survivorship rules take precedence over the data quality rules.
•When you enable a field group to survive as a block, the configuration of the block takes precedence over that of individual fields and nested field groups.
•MDM SaaS applies deduplication criteria to field group values before applying survivorship rules and source system ranking.
•After one of the duplicate field values or field group entries survive based on specific fields within a field group that are set as the deduplication criteria, you can't override field values within the field group. You can't override field values if a source system has a different field group ID from another source system.