The egress job to export source records exports the changed and updated business entity, relationship, or hierarchy data to a file. The file includes the states of field groups, such as active and deleted.
When you change or add a business entity, relationship, or hierarchy data in your business application, the egress job for source records exports the following data to a file:
•Changed or newly added attributes of relationships and relationships within hierarchies.
•Attributes of relationships and relationships within hierarchies that were added after the previous run of the export job.
•Changes in business entity data and the state of field groups, such as active and deleted.
•System fields, such as source last updated date, match and merge status, and the population name used to match records.
Note: The source last update date field appears for field groups only when it's enabled. By default, the source last updated date field is enabled only for the root fields.
If changes are made before the first run of an egress job, the egress job exports the entire data. During subsequent runs, the egress job exports only new and changed values.
Note: In the exported data, the updated fields contain values and the fields without updates appear empty.
When you run an egress job that uses Business 360 FEP Connector in the mapping to export field groups, the exported data includes the source systems of the field groups. If multiple entries of field groups appear in the exported data, you can uniquely identify them based on their source systems. For example, when your exported data contains multiple entries of billing addresses, you can identify each address based on its source system.
Master records aren't associated with source systems. However, when you run an egress job to export master records, the source system column in the exported data displays MDM. To view source records from specific source systems that contribute to master records, run an egress job to export source records.
For example, you manage customer data in different source systems, such as CRM and Salesforce. You get the contact and account details of customers from CRM and purchase history of customers from Salesforce. The details of customers from these source systems are consolidated to form master records. When you export the master records, the exported data displays MDM as the source system and doesn't include CRM and Salesforce.
Parent IDs of field groups in the exported data
You can include the parentId values for each field group when you export business entity records. The parentId fields determine the correct structure of the business entity when you consolidate data exported by multiple egress jobs into a single record in the target system.
The parentId values differ for master records and source records. When you export master records, the parentId value of a first-level field group is the businessId value of the corresponding business entity record. When you export source records, the parentId value of a first-level field group is the source primary key value of the root record. To include the parentId values in the exported data, map the parentId fields when you create mappings in Cloud Data Integration and use those mappings in the taskflow that you use to export data. For more information about mappings, see the Business 360 Connector Guide.
When you use Business 360 FEP Connector to export field group data, the exported data contains a column that displays the parent ID value of the root field associated with the field group. For example, if you export the Address field group of a source record, the exported data contains a column that displays the parent ID value, which is the source primary key value of the root record associated with the Address field group.
When you export a nested field group, the exported data contains a column that displays the ID values of the root field associated with the field group and an additional column that displays the ID value of the field group's first-level parent. However, the additional column always appears empty because the egress process requires only the parent ID value of the selected field group for the export. For example, if you export the Home Address field group nested within the Address field group, the exported data contains a column that displays the parent ID value of the Home Address field group. The exported data also contains an additional column that displays the parent ID value of the Address field group. The additional column that displays the parent ID value of the Address field group always appears empty in the exported data.
Business IDs of records in the exported data
When you run the egress job to export the master or source records, the egress job exports the records and displays the merged business IDs and the original business IDs in the exported file.
The exported file includes the following business IDs:
Merged Business IDs
When you export master records, the exported file contains the mergedBusinessId column. This column contains all the business IDs of the source records that merged into the master records.
Note: By default, the character limit for the mergedBusinessId column is 255. To include a maximum of 1000 merged business IDs in the exported file, modify the mergedBusinessId field value up to 30000 in the source transformation mapping. For more information, see the Business 360 Connector Guide.
When you export the master records, the exported file doesn't display any values in the originalBusinessId column.
Original Business IDs
When you export the source records from specific source systems, the egress job exports the surviving business ID of the master record for each of the source records. The exported file contains the originalBusinessId column that displays the business ID that is assigned to the source records at the time of record creation.
When you unmerge the source records and export the records, the business ID of the master record is replaced with the original business ID.
When you export the source records, the exported file doesn't display any values in the mergedBusinessId column.
Match pairs
The match process matches records and generates match pairs based on the match model configuration. You can export the match pairs that the match process generates.
You can export a maximum of 20 million match pairs. When you export more than 20 million match pairs, the egress job fails. To increase the export limit, contact Informatica Global Customer Support.
Note: The exported data contains the <Business entity>_jobInstanceId column that displays the match and merge job instance ID. For example, the values in the Person_jobInstanceId column indicate the match and merge job instance IDs of the Person business entity.