Monitor MDM SaaS > Monitoring jobs > Monitoring queued jobs

Monitoring queued jobs

To run a job, MDM SaaS requires sufficient resources, such as cores and memory. Based on the number of records that a job processes, MDM SaaS allocates the required resources and completes each process step of the job.
After the job completes each process step, MDM SaaS changes the status of the job. The change in job status depends on the records that MDM SaaS processes in each process step.
Based on the number of records that the job processes, MDM SaaS requires sufficient resources to complete each process step of the job. If MDM SaaS doesn't have sufficient resources to complete a process step, it changes the job status from Running to Queued. For example, if you run an ingress job with more than 10,000 records, the job requires sufficient resources to complete each process step. After the transform step, if MDM SaaS doesn't have sufficient resources to complete the load step, MDM SaaS queues the job.
Note: MDM SaaS queues the stage step for egress jobs that process over 1,000 records, but it doesn't queue the extract step for both ingress and egress jobs.
When a process hierarchy job is running for a particular hierarchy, no other job can run simultaneously for the same hierarchy. Instead, the subsequent jobs are queued and remain in a queued state until the previous job is complete.