The publish data access rules step reevaluates record permissions for custom user roles based on all the data access rules of a business entity.
The following table describes the metrics that you can view for a publish data access rules job:
Metric Name
Number of records that are impacted based on existing, new, and updated data access rules.
Number of records for which the job successfully applied the data access rules.
Number of records for which the job failed to apply the data access rules.
Number of records for which the job skipped to apply draft data access rules.
You can monitor and view the job details on the My Jobs page.
If any data access rule fails to reevaluate permissions for some records, MDM SaaS fails the step and the publish data access rules job. However, the Index for Search step indexes the remaining records that were successfully reevaluated with permission.
For example, the job processes 1000 records out of which a specific data access rule failed to reevaluate 500 records. The publish data access rules step fails but the index for search step indexes the remaining 500 records. However, after the records are indexed, the publish data access rules job fails.
The Data Access Rules tab displays the failed data access rule as invalid.
The following image displays the invalid data access rules on the Data Access Rules tab:
To reevaluate permissions for the failed records, restart the publish data access rules job from the My Jobs page.