Translation files are the source files that you can use to translate your business applications. Informatica provides translation files that contain translations for the labels of predefined assets. The translation files are in the JSON format. You can use these source files to translate asset labels that appear in your business applications.
The translation files contain key-value pairs for the asset labels in your business applications. In a key-value pair, the key is the path to the asset label, and the value is the asset label in the translated language.
When you add custom assets or customize predefined assets, you might want to translate the changes. When you add an asset, the system adds a key-value pair that contains an English asset label to the English and other language translation files. When you update the label of an asset, the system updates the asset label in the English translation file. You need to update the corresponding value in the other language translation files.
To identify translation changes, you can compare the latest version of the English translation file with the previously translated version. You can then update the translations in the other language translation files.
If translations aren't available for some asset labels, the translations for the labels fall back to English. If you delete the key-value pair of a translated asset label from a language translation file, the previous translation is effective. If the deleted key-value pair wasn't translated, the translations fall back to English.
Translations for internal error messages are available only in English. You can translate your custom error messages for advanced rule associations. However, translations for error messages from rule specification fields are available only in English.