Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Country of Domicile | X_infac360lei_countryOfDomicile | Lookup | NA | Country | ISO 3166-1 and ISO 3166-2 country code for the country of the head office for a legal entity. |
Country of Incorporation | X_infac360lei_countryOfIncorporation | Lookup | NA | Country | ISO 3166-1 and ISO 3166-2 country code for the country of incorporation of a legal entity. |
Company Logo | imageUrl | Text | 255 | NA | URL of the image for a legal entity. |
Company Type | companyType | Lookup | NA | CompanyType | Type of company. For example, government, registered, or statutory. |
Date of Incorporation | dateOfIncorporation | Date | NA | NA | Date from when a legal entity was incorporated. |
Entity Creation Date | X_infac360lei_entityCreationDate | Date | NA | NA | Date when a legal entity was created. |
IPO Date | X_infac360lei_iPODate | Date | NA | NA | Date when a legal entity went public. |
Legal Entity Subtype | X_infac360lei_subType | Lookup | NA | infac360lei_LegalEntitySubtype | Subtype of legal entity. For example, if the legal entity type is a resident government entity, the legal entity subtypes can be central government or state government. |
Legal Entity Type | X_infac360lei_type | Lookup | NA | infac360lei_LegalEntityType | Type of legal entity. For example, branch, fund, or resident government entity. |
Legal Form | X_infac360lei_legalForm | Lookup | NA | infac360lei_LegalFormType | The legal structure of a legal entity. For example, trust company, stock corporation, or statutory company. |
Legal Jurisdiction | X_infac360lei_legalJurisdiction | Lookup | NA | Country | ISO 3166-1 and ISO 3166-2 country code of the country whose laws and courts have authority over the legal entity. |
Legal Name | name | Text | 255 | NA | Name of a legal entity. |
Number of Employees | numberOfEmployees | Integer | NA | NA | Total number of employees in a legal entity. |
Regulator | X_infac360lei_regulator | Text | 255 | NA | Authority regulating a legal entity. |
Registration Authority | X_infac360lei_registrationAuthority | Text | 255 | NA | Authority that establishes and vouches for the identity of a legal entity. |
Registration Number | X_infac360lei_registrationNumber | Text | 255 | NA | Identifier that the registration authority provides to a legal entity. |
Regulator ID | X_infac360lei_regulatorID | Text | 255 | NA | The ID of the authority that regulates a legal entity. |
State of Incorporation | stateOfIncorporation | Lookup | NA | State | State where a legal entity was incorporated. For example, if the country is the United States, the state of incorporation can be California or Florida. Legal Entity 360 for Banking supports only states in the United States. |
Ticker Symbol | X_infac360lei_ticker | Text | 255 | NA | Identifier that a legal entity uses for trading purposes. |
Website | X_infac360lei_website | Text | 255 | NA | URL to access the website of a legal entity. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Address Line 1 | addressLine1 | Text | 200 | NA | Line 1 of the address. |
Address Line 2 | addressLine2 | Text | 200 | NA | Line 2 of the address. |
Address Line 3 | addressLine3 | Text | 200 | NA | Line 3 of the address. |
Address Status | addressStatus | Lookup | NA | AddressStatus | Status of the address. For example, active, current, old address, or changed. |
Address Type | addressType | Lookup | NA | AddressType | Type of address. For example, organization, high-rise building, or home. |
City | city | Text | 50 | NA | City of the postal address. |
Coordinate System | coordinateSystem | Text | 100 | NA | A coordinate system that's used to determine the location of the address. |
Country | country | Lookup | NA | Country | Country code of the postal address. For example, Australia or the United States. |
County | county | Text | 50 | NA | County of the postal address. |
Default Indicator | defaultIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Flag to indicate whether the address is the default address. |
End Date | effectiveEndDate | Date Time | NA | NA | The expiry date of the address. |
Enriched Indicator | enrichedIndicator | Lookup | NA | AddressEnrichedIndicator | Validation status of the address. For example, error, valid, or not validated. |
Latitude | latitude | Text | 20 | NA | Latitude for the address. |
Location Coordinate Description | locationCoordinateDesc | Text | 50 | NA | Location of the address using the geocode coordinates system. |
Longitude | longitude | Text | 20 | NA | Longitude of the address. |
Postal Code | postalCode | Text | 10 | NA | Postal code of the address. |
Postal Code Extension | postalCodeExtension | Text | 10 | NA | Postal code extension of the address. |
Start Date | effectiveStartDate | Date Time | NA | NA | Date from when the address is active. |
State | state | Lookup | NA | State | State of the postal address. For example, if the country is the United States, the state can be California or Florida. Legal Entity 360 for Banking supports only states in the United States. |
Usage Type | usageType | Lookup | NA | AddressUsageType | Classification of the address based on usage. For example, business or personal. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Alternate Name | name | Text | 255 | NA | An alternative name for a legal entity. |
Effective End Date | effectiveEndDate | Date Time | NA | NA | The expiry date of the alternate name. |
Effective Start Date | effectiveStartDate | Date Time | NA | NA | Start date from when the alternate name is valid. |
Language Code | X_infac360lei_languageCode | Lookup | NA | Language | Language in which the alternate name of a legal entity is specified. |
Name Type | nameType | Lookup | NA | AlternateNameType | Alternate name type. For example, business name, company name, or marketing name. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Effective Date | X_infac360lei_effectiveDate | Date | NA | NA | Start date from when the credit rating is valid. |
Foreign or Domestic Indicator | X_infac360lei_foreignOrDomestic Indicator | Lookup | NA | infac360lei_ForeignOrDomesticIndicator | Indicator to identify whether the credit rating is a foreign currency rating or a local currency rating. |
Grade | X_infac360lei_grade | Lookup | NA | infac360lei_Grade | Credit rating category. For example, investment grade or speculative grade. |
Preliminary Indicator | X_infac360lei_preliminaryIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Flag to indicate whether the credit rating is preliminary. |
Rating | X_infac360lei_rating | Lookup | NA | infac360lei_Rating | Rating of a legal entity. |
Rating Source | X_infac360lei_ratingSource | Lookup | NA | infac360lei_RatingSource | Source of the credit rating. |
Rating Type | X_infac360lei_ratingType | Lookup | 255 | infac360lei_RatingType | Type of credit rating for a legal entity. For example, short-term or long-term. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Country | X_infac360lei_country | Lookup | NA | Country | Country where the majority of the underlying economic value of a legal entity is derived. |
Date | X_infac360lei_date | Date | NA | NA | Date when the country of risk was updated. |
Description | X_infac360lei_description | Text | 255 | NA | Description of the risk category. |
Primary Indicator | X_infac360lei_primaryIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether the country of risk is considered as primary. |
Risk Category | X_infac360lei_classification | Text | 255 | NA | Classification of the level of risk. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Document Link | documentLink | Text | 255 | NA | URL to access the document. |
Document Name | documentName | Text | 255 | NA | Name of the document. |
Document Type | documentType | Lookup | NA | DocumentType | Type of the document. For example, application form, claim form, or policy. |
File Name | fileName | Text | 255 | NA | Physical name of the file. |
Valid From | validFrom | Date | NA | NA | Date from when the document becomes valid. |
Valid To | validTo | Date | NA | NA | Date until when the document is valid. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Default Indicator | defaultIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether the electronic address is primary or default. |
Effective End Date | effectiveEndDate | Date Time | NA | NA | End date for the electronic address. |
Effective Start Date | effectiveStartDate | Date Time | NA | NA | Start date for the electronic address. |
Electronic Address | electronicAddress | Text | 255 | NA | Actual electronic address of a legal entity. |
Electronic Address Status | electronicAddressStatus | Lookup | NA | ElectronicAddressStatus | Status of the electronic address. For example, active, blocked, or not in use. |
Enriched Indicator | enrichedIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Validation status of the electronic address. For example, error, valid, or not validated. |
Hygiene Status | hygieneStatus | Text | 50 | NA | Hygiene status for the electronic address. For example, safe to send, invalid, or former trap. |
Net Protect Code | netProtectCode | Text | 50 | NA | Net protect codes identify which service or appliance is monitoring a given network. |
Usage Type | usageType | Lookup | NA | ElectronicAddressUsageType | Intended use of the communication preference that a legal entity shared. For example, business or personal. |
Validation Message | validateMessage | Text | 50 | NA | Message that the electronic address validation service generates to indicate how valid and trusted the electronic address is. |
Validation Status | validationStatusCode | Text | 50 | NA | Validation status code that the email address validation service returns. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Amount | amount | Double | 20 | NA | The total value of the physical assets that a legal entity owns. |
Currency | currency | Lookup | NA | Currency | Currency used for transactions. For example, the United States dollar or Euro. |
Finance Info Type | financeInfoType | Lookup | NA | FinanceInfoType | Type of financial information. For example, total equity, annual revenue, or debt. |
Finance Reliability | financeReliability | Lookup | NA | FinanceReliability | Reliability of the financial data to determine whether the data is actual or an estimate. |
Time Period | timePeriod | Text | 255 | NA | The financial period for which the data is collected. |
Time Period Type | financeTimePeriodType | Lookup | NA | TimePeriodType | Type of the finance period. For example, quarterly or annual. |
Unit | financialUnit | Lookup | NA | FinancialUnit | Unit for the amount. For example, thousand, million, or billion. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Effective End Date | effectiveEndDate | Date | NA | NA | The expiry date of an identifier. |
Effective Start Date | effectiveStartDate | Date | NA | NA | Start date from when an identifier is valid. |
Identifier Type | idType | Lookup | NA | AlternateIdType | Type of identifier. |
Identifier Value | altIdValue | Text | 50 | NA | Value of an identifier. |
Issuing Authority | issuingAuthority | Lookup | IssuingAuthority | The authority that issued the identifier. | |
Status | identifierStatus | Lookup | NA | IdentifierStatus | Status of an alternative identifier. |
Verified | X_infac360lei_verified | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicator to identify whether the identifier is verified. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Effective Date | X_infac360lei_effectiveDate | Date | NA | NA | Date from when the indicator is valid. |
Indicator Type | X_infac360lei_indicatorType | Lookup | NA | infac360lei_IndicatorType | Indicates the type of legal entity, such as minority-owned, women-owned, and small business. |
Indicator Value | X_infac360lei_indicatorValue | Lookup | NA | infac360lei_IndicatorValue | Actual value of the indicator. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Classification Type | X_infac360lei_classificationType | Lookup | NA | infac360lei_ClassificationType | Type of classification system that groups legal entities. |
Classification Level 1 | X_infac360lei_classificationLevel1Code | Lookup | NA | infac360lei_ClassificationLevel1Code | Code value that indicates the group to which a legal entity belongs. |
Classification Level 1 Label | X_infac360lei_classificationLevel1Label | Lookup | NA | infac360lei_ClassificationLevel1Label | Hierarchical classification that indicates the sector to which a legal entity belongs. |
Classification Level 2 | X_infac360lei_classificationLevel2Code | Lookup | NA | infac360lei_ClassificationLevel2Code | Code value that indicates the group to which a legal entity belongs. |
Classification Level 2 Label | X_infac360lei_classificationLevel2Label | Lookup | NA | infac360lei_ClassificationLevel2Label | Hierarchical classification that indicates the industry group to which a legal entity belongs. |
Classification Level 3 | X_infac360lei_classificationLevel3Code | Lookup | NA | infac360lei_ClassificationLevel3Code | Code value that indicates the group to which a legal entity belongs. |
Classification Level 3 Label | X_infac360lei_classificationLevel3Label | Lookup | NA | infac360lei_ClassificationLevel3Label | Hierarchical classification that indicates the industry to which a legal entity belongs. |
Classification Level 4 | X_infac360lei_classificationLevel4Code | Lookup | NA | infac360lei_ClassificationLevel4Code | Code value that indicates the group to which a legal entity belongs. |
Classification Level 4 Label | X_infac360lei_classificationLevel4Label | Lookup | NA | infac360lei_ClassificationLevel4Label | Hierarchical classification that indicates the sub-industry to which a legal entity belongs. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Currency | currency | Lookup | NA | Currency | Currency for the premium payment and claim settlement. |
Effective End Date | effectiveEndDate | Date | NA | NA | Expiry date of the insurance. |
Effective Start Date | effectiveStartDate | Date | NA | NA | Start date of the insurance. |
Insurance Holder | insuranceHolder | Text | 255 | NA | Name of the insurance holder. |
Insurance Provider | insuranceProvider | Text | 255 | NA | Company that provides the insurance. |
Insurance Sub Type | insuranceSubType | Lookup | NA | InsuranceSubType | Insurance subtype. For example, if the insurance type is lenders mortgage, the subtype might be extended lenders mortgage. |
Insurance Type | insuranceType | Lookup | NA | InsuranceType | Type of the insurance, such as commercial auto, lenders mortgage, or shipping. |
Policy Number | insurancePolicyNumber | Text | 100 | NA | Insurance policy number. |
Status | insuranceStatus | Text | 255 | insuranceStatus | Status of the insurance. For example, active or expired. |
Unit | unit | Lookup | NA | FinancialUnit | Specifies the unit for the amount. For example, thousands, millions, ot billions. |
Value | insuranceValue | Double | NA | NA | Amount insured. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Designation | designation | Text | 255 | NA | Designation of the key executive. |
Executive Type | executiveType | Lookup | NA | ExecutiveType | Executive type. For example, executive chairman, non-executive chairman, or chief executive officer. |
Name | name | Text | 255 | NA | Name of the executive. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Cell Prefix | cellPrefix | Text | 255 | NA | Dialing prefix that must prepend the National Significant Number for inbound international calls. |
Default Indicator | defaultIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Flag to indicate whether the phone number is the default number. |
Do Not Call Indicator | doNotCallIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Flag to indicate whether a legal entity is willing to receive unsolicited phone calls from marketers. |
Effective End Date | effectiveEndDate | DateTime | NA | NA | Date until when the phone number was active or will be active. |
Effective Start Date | effectiveStartDate | DateTime | NA | NA | Date from when the phone number is active. |
Enriched Indicator | enrichedIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Validation status of the phone number. For example, error, valid, or not validated. |
ISO | iso | Text | 2 | NA | ISO country code. |
International Format | internationalFormat | Text | 50 | NA | International format for the phone number. |
International Prefix | internationalPrefix | Text | 255 | NA | The prefix that's used to select an international telephone circuit. |
National Destination Code | nationalDestinationCode | Text | 255 | NA | Code that identifies a numbering area within a country or a group of countries. |
National Destination Code Indicator | nationalDestinationCodeIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Flag to indicate whether a country defines geographic area codes in the national numbering plan. |
National Format | nationalFormat | Text | 50 | NA | National format for the phone number. |
National Prefix | nationalPrefix | Text | 255 | NA | Digit or a combination of digits to dial before an area or city code. |
Phone Number | phoneNumber | Text | 255 | NA | Phone number of the legal entity . |
Phone Type | phoneType | Lookup | NA | PhoneType | Type of phone. For example, landline, mobile, or fax. |
Phone Usage Type | phoneUsageType | Lookup | NA | PhoneUsageType | Usage type of the phone. For example, personal, business, or home. |
Prefix Number | prefixNumber | Text | 255 | NA | Country dialing code. |
Status | status | Lookup | NA | PhoneStatus | Status of the phone number, such as publicly unavailable or the contact point is active. |
Validation Message | validationMessage | Text | 255 | NA | Validation message that the phone number validation service returns. |
Validation Status | validationStatusCode | Text | 255 | NA | Validation status code that the phone number validation service returns. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Effective Start Date | X_infac360lei_effectiveStartDate | Date | NA | NA | The date from when the sanction is valid. |
Expired End Date | X_infac360lei_effectiveEndDate | Date | NA | NA | The date when the sanction ends. |
Explicitly Sanctioned | X_infac360lei_explicitlySanctioned | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicator to identify whether the legal entity is explicitly sanctioned. |
Sanction Source | X_infac360lei_sanctionSource | Text | 255 | NA | The source that imposes a sanction on a legal entity. |
Sanction Type | X_infac360lei_sanctionType | Text | 255 | NA | Type of sanction that is imposed on a legal entity. For example, full or sectoral. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Segment Type | segmentType | Lookup | NA | SegmentType | Type of segment, such as income. |
Segment Value | segmentValue | Lookup | NA | SegmentValue | Name of the category or segment. For example, if the segment type is age, then segment value can be 0-18 years. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Social Media Handle | socialMediaHandle | Text | 255 | NA | Social media contact details. |
Social Media Type | socialHandleType | Lookup | NA | SocialHandleType | Type of social media contact details. For example, Facebook, Linkedin, or Pinterest. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Effective End Date | X_infac360lei_effEndDate | DateTime | NA | NA | The expiry date of the status. |
Effective Start Date | X_infac360lei_effStartDate | DateTime | NA | NA | Date from when the status is valid. |
Status Reason | X_infac360lei_statusReason | Text | 255 | NA | Reason for the status. |
Status Type | X_infac360lei_statusType | Lookup | NA | infac360in_OrgStatusType | Status type of a legal entity. For example, corroboration level or onboarding. |
Status Value | X_infac360lei_statusValue | Lookup | NA | infac360in_OrgStatusValue | Status value of a legal entity. For example, active, inactive, or sanctioned. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Country | country | Lookup | NA | Country | Country in which the stock exchange is located. |
Stock Exchange | stockExchangeName | Text | 255 | NA | Name of the stock exchange that trades the shares. |
Ticker Symbol | tickerSymbol | Text | 255 | NA | Abbreviation used to identify the publicly traded shares of a legal entity. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Country | country | Lookup | NA | Country | Country of taxation. |
Currency | currency | Lookup | NA | Currency | Currency in which the tax is paid. |
Effective Start Date | effectiveStartDate | Date Time | NA | NA | Start date of the tax period. |
Effective End Date | effectiveEndDate | Date Time | NA | NA | End date of the tax period. |
State | state | Lookup | NA | State | State within the country of taxation. Legal Entity 360 for Banking supports only states in the United States. |
Tax Authority | taxAuthority | Lookup | NA | TaxAuthority | Tax authority. For example, Internal Revenue Service (IRS), HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), and Inland Revenue Department. |
Tax Number | taxNumber | Text | 50 | NA | A unique number that identifies a legal entity for tax purposes. |
Tax Number Type | taxNumberType | Lookup | NA | TaxNumberType | Type of the tax number. The type can be Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), (EIN), Inland Revenue Department (IRD) number, and Permanent Account Number (PAN). |
Tax Paid | taxPaid | Text | 50 | NA | Tax amount that a legal entity has paid. |
Taxpayer Type | taxPayerType | Lookup | NA | TaxPayerType | Type of taxpayer. For example, company, partnership, or trust. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Birth Date | birthDate | Date | NA | NA | Date of birth of a person. |
Birth Place | birthPlace | Text | 255 | NA | Place of birth of a person. |
Designation | designation | Text | 255 | NA | Designation or position of a person. |
First Name | firstName | Text | 255 | NA | First name of a person. |
Full Name | fullName | Text | 255 | NA | Full name of a person. |
Gender | gender | Lookup | NA | Gender | Gender of a person. For example, female, male, or unknown. |
Image | imageUrl | Text | 255 | NA | URL of the image for a person. |
Last Name | lastName | Text | 255 | NA | Last name of a person. |
Marital Status | maritalStatus | Lookup | NA | MaritalStatus | Marital status of a person. For example, single, married, or divorced. |
Middle Name | middleName | Text | 255 | NA | Middle name of a person. |
Prefix Name | prefixName | Lookup | NA | PrefixName | Prefix for the name of a person. For example, Dr, Mr, or Mrs. |
Suffix Name | suffixName | Lookup | NA | SuffixName | Suffix name of a person. For example, Sr, Jr, II, or III. |
Title | title | Text | 255 | NA | Business title of a person. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Address Line 1 | addressLine1 | Text | 200 | NA | Line 1 of the address. |
Address Line 2 | addressLine2 | Text | 200 | NA | Line 2 of the address. |
Address Line 3 | addressLine3 | Text | 200 | NA | Line 3 of the address. |
Address Status | addressStatus | Lookup | NA | AddressStatus | Status of the address. For example, active, current, old address, or changed. |
Address Type | addressType | Lookup | NA | AddressType | Type of address. For example, organization, high-rise building, or home. |
City | city | Text | 50 | NA | City of the postal address. |
Coordinate System | coordinateSystem | Text | 100 | NA | A coordinate system that's used to determine the location of the address. |
Country | country | Lookup | NA | Country | Country code of the postal address. For example, Australia or the United States. |
County | county | Text | 50 | NA | County of the postal address. |
Default Indicator | defaultIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Flag to indicate whether the address is the default address. |
End Date | effectiveEndDate | Date Time | NA | NA | The expiry date of the address. |
Enriched Indicator | enrichedIndicator | Lookup | NA | AddressEnrichedIndicator | Validation status of the address. For example, error, valid, or not validated. |
Latitude | latitude | Text | 20 | NA | Latitude for the address. |
Location Coordinate Description | locationCoordinateDesc | Text | 50 | NA | Location of the address using the geocode coordinates system. |
Longitude | longitude | Text | 20 | NA | Longitude of the address. |
Postal Code | postalCode | Text | 10 | NA | Postal code of the address. |
Postal Code Extension | postalCodeExtension | Text | 10 | NA | Postal code extension of the address. |
Start Date | effectiveStartDate | Date Time | NA | NA | Date from when the address is active. |
State | state | Lookup | NA | State | State of the postal address. For example, if the country is the United States, the state can be California or Florida. Legal Entity 360 for Banking supports only states in the United States. |
Usage Type | usageType | Lookup | NA | AddressUsageType | Classification of the address based on usage. For example, business or personal. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Alternate Name | name | Text | 255 | NA | An alternative name of a person. |
Alternate Name Type | nameType | Lookup | NA | AlternateNameType | Type of alternate name. For example, alias, maiden name, or married name. |
Effective End Date | effectiveEndDate | Date Time | NA | NA | Expiry date of the alternate name. |
Effective Start Date | effectiveStartDate | Date Time | NA | NA | Start date from when the alternate name is valid. |
Language | X_infac360lei_language | Lookup | NA | Language | Language in which a person has proficiency. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Citizen of Country | citizenOfCountry | Lookup | NA | Country | Country to which a person belongs. |
Citizenship Status | citizenshipStatus | Text | 255 | NA | Status of the citizenship. |
Effective End Date | effectiveEndDate | Date Time | NA | NA | Expiry date of citizenship. |
Effective Start Date | effectiveStartDate | Date Time | NA | NA | Start date from when the citizenship is valid. |
Supporting Document Name | supportingDocumentName | Text | 255 | NA | Name of the supporting document that proves the citizenship. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Demographic Type | demographicType | Lookup | NA | DemographicType | Type of demographic factors. For example, ethnicity, income level, age, and profession. |
Demographic Value | demographicValue | Lookup | NA | DemographicValue | Demographic values for a demographic type. For example, if ethnicity is a demographic type, then Hispanic and Asian are demographic values. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Document Link | documentLink | Text | 255 | NA | URL to access the document. |
Document Name | documentName | Text | 255 | NA | Name of the document. |
Document Type | documentType | Lookup | NA | DocumentType | Type of the document. For example, application form, claim form, or policy. |
File Name | fileName | Text | 255 | NA | Physical name of the file. |
Valid From | validFrom | Date | NA | NA | Date from when the document becomes valid. |
Valid To | validTo | Date | NA | NA | Date until when the document is valid. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Address Line 1 | addressLine1 | Text | 255 | NA | Line 1 of the address of the educational institution. |
Address Line 2 | addressLine2 | Text | 255 | NA | Line 2 of the address of the educational institution. |
City | city | Text | 255 | NA | City in which the institution is located. |
Country | country | Lookup | NA | Country | Country in which the institution is located. |
Effective End Date | effectiveEndDate | Date Time | NA | NA | End date of the qualification. |
Effective Start Date | effectiveStartDate | Date Time | NA | NA | Start date of the qualification. |
Institution Name | institutionName | Text | 255 | NA | Name of the institution. |
Qualification Name | qualificationName | Text | 255 | NA | Name of the qualification. |
Qualification Status | qualificationStatus | Lookup | NA | QualificationStatus | Status of the qualification. |
Qualification Type | qualificationType | Lookup | NA | QualificationType | Type of qualification, such as illiterate, certification, diploma, bachelor, master, or doctoral. |
Postal Code | postalCode | Text | 255 | NA | Postal code of the address. |
Postal Code Extension | postalCodeExtension | Text | 255 | NA | Postal code extension of the address. |
State | state | Lookup | NA | State | State in which the institution is located. Legal Entity 360 for Banking supports only states in the United States. |
Student Number | studentNumber | Text | 255 | NA | Student number in the institution. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Default Indicator | defaultIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicator to identify whether the electronic address is primary or default. |
Electronic Address | electronicAddress | Text | 255 | NA | Actual electronic address of a person. |
Effective End Date | effectiveEndDate | Date Time | NA | NA | End date for the electronic address. |
Effective Start Date | effectiveStartDate | Date Time | NA | NA | Start date for the electronic address. |
Electronic Address Status | electronicAddressStatus | Lookup | NA | ElectronicAddressStatus | Status of the electronic address. For example, active, blocked, or not in use. |
Enriched Indicator | enrichedIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Validation status of the electronic address. For example, error, valid, or not validated. |
Hygiene Status | hygieneStatus | Text | 50 | NA | Hygiene status for the electronic address. For example, safe to send, invalid, or former trap. |
Net Protect Code | netProtectCode | Text | 50 | NA | Code to identify the service or appliance that monitors a given network. |
Usage Type | usageType | Lookup | NA | ElectronicAddressUsageType | Intended use of the communication preference that a person shared. For example, business or personal. |
Validation Message | validateMessage | Text | 50 | NA | The message that the electronic address validation service generates to indicate how valid and trusted the electronic address is. |
Validation Status | validationStatusCode | Text | 50 | NA | Validation status code that the email address validation service returns. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Designation | designation | Text | 255 | NA | Designation of a person. |
Effective End Date | effectiveEndDate | Date Time | NA | NA | End date of employment. |
Effective Start Date | effectiveStartDate | Date Time | NA | NA | Start date of employment. |
Employer Name | employerName | Text | 255 | NA | Name of the employer. |
Employment Status | employmentStatus | Lookup | NA | EmploymentStatus | Status of employment, such as active, inactive, or resigned. |
Employment Type | employmentType | Lookup | NA | EmploymentType | Type of employment, such as fixed term, contract, or self-employed. |
Line of Business | lineOfBusiness | Text | 255 | NA | Line of business, such as retail or mortgage. |
Location | location | Text | 255 | NA | Location of the employer. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Amount | amount | Double | 20 | NA | Total value of the physical assets that a person owns. |
Currency | currency | Lookup | NA | Currency | Currency used for transactions. For example, United States dollar or United Kingdom pound. |
Finance Info Type | financeInfoType | Lookup | NA | FinanceInfoType | Type of financial information. For example, total asset or annual income. |
Finance Reliability | financeReliability | Lookup | NA | FinanceReliability | Reliability of the financial data, if the data is actual or an estimate. |
Time Period | timePeriod | Text | 255 | NA | Finance period for which the data is collected. |
Time Period Type | financeTimePeriodType | Lookup | NA | TimePeriodType | Type of the finance period. For example, quarterly or annual. |
Unit | financialUnit | Lookup | NA | FinancialUnit | Unit for the amount. For example, thousand, million, or billion. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Alternate Identifier Type | alternateIdentifierType | Lookup | NA | AlternateIdType | Type of alternate identifier. For example, passport number or social security number. |
Alternate Identifier Value | alternateIdentifierValue | Text | 50 | NA | Value of alternate identifier, such as driver's license number or passport number. Reason for the deactivation of the identifier. |
Effective End Date | effectiveEndDate | Date Time | NA | NA | Expiry date of the identifier. |
Effective Start Date | effectiveStartDate | Date Time | NA | NA | Issued date of the identifier. |
Issuing Authority | issuingAuthority | Lookup | NA | IssuingAuthority | Authority that has issued the identifier to a person. For example, government agency or vehicle. |
Status | identifierStatus | Lookup | NA | IdentifierStatus | Code to indicate the status of the alternate identifier. For example, effective, disqualified, expired, or temporary. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Currency | currency | Lookup | NA | Currency | Currency for the premium payment and claim settlement. |
Effective End Date | effectiveEndDate | Date | NA | NA | Expiry date of the insurance. |
Effective Start Date | effectiveStartDate | Date | NA | NA | Start date of the insurance. |
Insurance Holder | insuranceHolder | Text | 255 | NA | Name of the insurance holder. |
Insurance Provider | insuranceProvider | Text | 255 | NA | Company that provides the insurance. |
Insurance Sub Type | insuranceSubType | Lookup | NA | InsuranceSubType | Insurance subtype. For example, if the insurance type is travel, the subtype might be platinum travel. |
Insurance Type | insuranceType | Lookup | NA | InsuranceType | Type of the insurance, such as life, health, or travel. |
Policy Number | insurancePolicyNumber | Text | 100 | NA | Insurance policy number. |
Insurance Status | insuranceStatus | Text | 255 | insuranceStatus | Status of the insurance. For example, active or expired. |
Unit | unit | Lookup | NA | FinancialUnit | Specifies the unit for the amount. For example, thousands, millions, ot billions. |
Insurance Value | insuranceValue | Double | NA | NA | Amount insured. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Lifestyle Type | lifestyleType | Lookup | NA | LifestyleType | Type of lifestyle. For example, alcohol consumption or tobacco consumption. |
Lifestyle Value | lifestyleValue | Text | 255 | NA | Frequency of a lifestyle. For example, frequent, moderate, or never. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Account Number | AccountNumber | Text | 255 | NA | Loyalty account number. |
Account Status | accountStatus | Lookup | NA | LoyaltyAccountStatus | Status of the account. For example, active or inactive. |
Account Type | accountType | Lookup | NA | LoyaltyAccountType | Type of loyalty accounts. For example, silver, gold, or platinum. |
Effective End Date | effectiveEndDate | Date Time | NA | NA | End date of the loyalty account. |
Effective Start Date | effectiveStartDate | Date Time | NA | NA | Start date of the loyalty account. |
Redemption Preferences | redemptionPreferences | Lookup | NA | RedemptionPreferences | Preference for the redemption of loyalty points. For example, cash back or credit. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Cell Prefix | cellPrefix | Text | 255 | NA | Dialing prefix that must prepend the National Significant Number for inbound international calls. |
Default Indicator | defaultIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Flag to indicate whether the phone number is the default number. |
Do Not Call Indicator | doNotCallIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Flag to indicate whether a legal entity is willing to receive unsolicited phone calls from marketers. |
Effective End Date | effectiveEndDate | DateTime | NA | NA | Date until when the phone number was active or will be active. |
Effective Start Date | effectiveStartDate | DateTime | NA | NA | Date from when the phone number is active. |
Enriched Indicator | enrichedIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Validation status of the phone number. For example, error, valid, or not validated. |
ISO | iso | Text | 2 | NA | ISO country code. |
International Format | internationalFormat | Text | 50 | NA | International format for the phone number. |
International Prefix | internationalPrefix | Text | 255 | NA | The prefix that's used to select an international telephone circuit. |
National Destination Code | nationalDestinationCode | Text | 255 | NA | Code that identifies a numbering area within a country or a group of countries. |
National Destination Code Indicator | nationalDestinationCodeIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Flag to indicate whether a country defines geographic area codes in the national numbering plan. |
National Format | nationalFormat | Text | 50 | NA | National format for the phone number. |
National Prefix | nationalPrefix | Text | 255 | NA | Digit or a combination of digits to dial before an area or city code. |
Phone Number | phoneNumber | Text | 255 | NA | Phone number of the legal entity . |
Phone Type | phoneType | Lookup | NA | PhoneType | Type of phone. For example, landline, mobile, or fax. |
Phone Usage Type | phoneUsageType | Lookup | NA | PhoneUsageType | Usage type of the phone. For example, personal, business, or home. |
Prefix Number | prefixNumber | Text | 255 | NA | Country dialing code. |
Status | status | Lookup | NA | PhoneStatus | Status of the phone number, such as publicly unavailable or the contact point is active. |
Validation Message | validationMessage | Text | 255 | NA | Validation message that the phone number validation service returns. |
Validation Status | validationStatusCode | Text | 255 | NA | Validation status code that the phone number validation service returns. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Segment Type | segmentType | Lookup | NA | SegmentType | Type of segment, such as income. |
Segment Value | segmentValue | Lookup | NA | SegmentValue | Name of the category or segment. For example, lower middle class, upper high class, and upper middle class. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Specialty Type | specialtyType | Lookup | NA | SpecialityType | Specialty type. For example, construction, educational services, and finance and insurance. |
Specialty | speciality | Text | 255 | NA | Name of specialty. |
Board Certification Flag | boardCertificationFlag | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether the board certification is active or not. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Social Media Handle | socialMediaValue | Text | 255 | NA | Social media contact details. |
Social Media Type | socialHandleType | Lookup | NA | SocialHandleType | Type of social media contact details. For example, Facebook, Linkedin, or Pinterest. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Status Type | statusType | Lookup | NA | PersonStatusType | Status type of a person, such as onboarding or primary status. |
Status Value | statusValue | Lookup | NA | PersonStatusValue | Status value of a person, such as active, accepted, or rejected. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Country | country | Lookup | NA | Country | Country of taxation. |
Currency | currency | Lookup | NA | Currency | Currency in which the tax is paid. |
Effective End Date | effectiveEndDate | Date Time | NA | NA | End date of the tax period. |
Effective Start Date | effectiveStartDate | Date Time | NA | NA | Start date of the tax period. |
State | state | Lookup | NA | State | State within the country of the taxation. Legal Entity 360 for Banking supports only states in the United States. |
Tax Authority | taxAuthority | Lookup | NA | TaxAuthority | Tax authority. For example, Internal Revenue Service (IRS), HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), and Inland Revenue Department. |
Tax Number | taxNumber | Text Field | 255 | NA | Unique number that identifies a person for tax purposes. |
Tax Number Type | taxNumberType | Lookup | NA | TaxNumberType | Type of the tax number. Tax number can be Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), Employer Identification Number (EIN), Inland Revenue Department (IRD) number, and Permanent Account Number (PAN). |
Taxpayer Type | taxPayerType | Lookup | NA | TaxPayerType | Type of tax payer. For example, individual, company, partnership, or trust. |
Tax Paid | taxPaid | Text Field | 255 | NA | Tax amount that a person has paid. |