Before you deploy Legal Entity 360 for Banking, perform the following prerequisites:
•Ensure that you have the Integration Components for Business 360 and Customer 360 SaaS Edition licenses.
Ensure that you have the licenses required to manage connections, external data, and service rights.
Note: The use of the extension doesn't confer any additional license or entitlement to license consumption beyond the terms specified in the applicable licensing agreements.
•Ensure that the version of the extension bundle matches the current MDM SaaS version where you import the extension assets.
To view the MDM SaaS version, in Business 360 Console, click About in the Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services Help menu and verify the build version.
To view the MDM version of the extension, navigate to the readme text file in the extracted extension package and verify the platform version.
If the version of the extension bundle doesn't match the current MDM SaaS version, contact Informatica Global Customer Support to use the current version of the extension.
•To integrate Customer 360 with GLEIF source system, ensure that you comply with the terms of use provided by GLEIF. For more information, see LEI Data Terms of Use.