Supplier 360 Extension for ESG > Introducing Supplier 360 Extension for ESG

Introducing Supplier 360 Extension for ESG

Supplier 360 Extension for ESG is a ready-to-use package that extends the capability of Supplier 360. The package includes business entities, reference data, relationships, and custom pages. Use the extension as a template to manage supplier ESG risk using Supplier 360.
Use Supplier 360 Extension for ESG to achieve the following goals:
Assess suppliers and their risk ratings
Assess and identify suppliers with high ESG risks. When you assess suppliers, you can drive greater ESG accountability and transparency across the supply chain. You can use the extension to enforce supplier compliance.
Maintain supplier emissions data
Maintain greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory data that suppliers report and the calculated secondary emissions data for a supplier. You can use the emissions data for the Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Standard reporting to assess and manage the emissions-related risks for a company.