Material 360 > Introducing Material 360

Introducing Material 360

An extension is a ready-to-use package that you can use as a template to get started with implementation of MDM SaaS. The package includes business entities, reference data, predefined pages, source systems, Cloud Data Integration, and Cloud Application Integration assets.
You can use the Material 360 extension to efficiently process both material data and material category data, employing processes such as matching, merging, consolidating, and enrichment.
Use Material 360 to achieve the following goals:
Centrally author and maintain material data
Centrally author and maintain material master data to ensure collaboration between business users from various departments. Use the workflow to control the maintenance of the material master data. For example, when you create a material record, you can streamline the business process by involving business users to approve the record data before the record creation.
You can maintain a material hierarchy for material analysis and price determination.
Integrate material master records with SAP ECC and SAP S/4HANA
Ingress SAP ECC and SAP S/4HANA records to MDM SaaS, process the data in batches, and egress the data to SAP S/4HANA.
Use the extension to migrate material data from SAP ECC to SAP S/4HANA. You can ingress material and material category data from SAP ECC to MDM SaaS. After you ingress, you can process the data and egress the data to SAP S/4HANA.
Track and trace material
Track and trace a material and its hierarchy across the supply chain. For example, you can quickly and accurately identify the impact of a product recall or a supply chain disruption.