Industry solutions for healthcare
Industry solutions components
Exchange electronic health information through HL7 2.x
Receive patient and health information
Step 1. Create the source connection
Step 2. Create the target connection
Step 3. Configure the mapping
Step 4. Create and run a mapping task
Send patient and health information
Step 1. Download the XSD file for the serializer data service
Step 2. Create the source connection
Step 3. Create the target connection
Step 4. Create the mapping
Step 5. Create and run a mapping task
Processing HL7 messages using MLLP
Exchange electronic health information through HIPAA
Receive patient and health information
Step 1. Create the source connection
Step 2. Create the target connection
Step 3. Configure the mapping
Step 4. Create and run a mapping task
Send patient and health information
Step 1. Download the XSD file for the serializer data service
Step 2. Create the source connection
Step 3. Create the target connection
Step 4. Create the mapping
Step 5. Create and run a mapping task
Exchange electronic health information through FHIR
Bridge between HL7 2.x and FHIR
Step 1. Create the source connection
Step 2. Create the target connection
Step 3. Configure the mapping
Step 4. Create and run a mapping task
Using HL7 for data analysis
Step 1. Create the source connection
Step 2. Create the target connections
Step 3. Configure the mapping
Step 4. Create and run a mapping task
Using FHIR for data analysis
Step 1. Create the source connection
Step 2. Create the target connections
Step 3. Configure the mapping
Step 4. Create and run a mapping task
Industry solutions for healthcare
Step 4. Create and run a mapping task