Monitoring Data Ingestion and Replication Jobs > Monitoring Data Ingestion and Replication jobs
Monitoring Data Ingestion and Replication jobs
You can monitor the progress, performance, and status of Data Ingestion and Replication jobs from the following services:
Monitor all jobs or all running jobs, including Data Ingestion and Replication jobs and Data Integration jobs, on the All Jobs and Running Jobs pages in Monitor. You can use this interface to do the following tasks:
- View general job properties such as the instance name, project location, subtasks, start time, end time, and status.
- Perform some actions on a job, depending on the job status and task type, using the Actions menu at the right end of each job row.
- Drill down on a job to see job details.
Operational Insights
Monitor ingestion jobs that any member of your organization deployed on the Data Ingestion and Replication page in Operational Insights. The Data Ingestion and Replication page has the following tabs:
- Overview tab. Includes buttons that you can use to filter the list of ingestion jobs by job type and status. Each button displays a summary count of the jobs that match that filter. There's also an option for showing the jobs that have statuses requiring attention, for example, failed jobs or jobs running with errors or warnings.
- All Jobs tab. Lists all types of ingestion and replication jobs that any member in your organization created and deployed. To help you find a job, the tab includes Filter, Find, and Sort features. Also, each job row contains an Actions menu to perform actions on the job, such as Stop or Redeploy, depending on the job type and status.
Both tabs show general job properties, including the instance name, project location, task type, runtime environment, start time, duration, and status. From either tab, you can click a job name to drill down to see job details.
Data Integration
Monitor the ingestion and replication jobs and data integration jobs for the tasks that you deployed on the Data Integration unified Home page and on the My Jobs page accessed from the Home page's left navigation bar. You can view the following types of information:
- The Recent Jobs panel on the Home page shows the status of your five most recent jobs. Use this panel to quickly check the job status. Click the job name to drill down to see job details. Click View All to go to the My Jobs page to see all of your jobs.
- The My Jobs page lists all of your jobs. You can use the Filter, Find, and Sort features to find the job you need. Use the Actions menu at the right end of each job row to perform some actions on the job, depending on the job status and task type. You can click a job name to drill down on a job to see job details.
Note: Usually, a job name corresponds to the ingestion and replication task name. On the All Jobs and Running Jobs pages in Monitor, on the My Jobs page Data Integration, and in the Recent Jobs panel on the unified Home page, the job name has the following format:
The instance number is incremented each time the job is deployed.