REST API Reference > Streaming Ingestion and Replication REST API > Deploying, undeploying, starting, and stopping streaming ingestion and replication tasks

Deploying, undeploying, starting, and stopping streaming ingestion and replication tasks

Use the dataflows resource to deploy, undeploy, start, and stop streaming ingestion and replication tasks.
Use the following base URL:
<server URI>/sisvc/api/v1/Dataflows('<dataflow ID>')/OData.SI.<API name>
Note: If you use a tool such as Postman that automatically includes the HTTP version, do not enter the HTTP version in the URL. If the HTTP version appears twice in the URL, the request fails.

Deploying a streaming ingestion and replication task

Use a POST request to deploy a streaming ingestion and replication task.

POST request

To deploy a streaming ingestion and replication task, use the following URL:
<server URI>/sisvc/api/v1/Dataflows('<dataflow ID>')/OData.SI.Deploy
A request body is not required because the URL passes the dataflow ID.

POST request example

To deploy a streaming ingestion and replication task, you might send a request similar to the following example:
POST <serverUrl>/sisvc/api/v1/Dataflows('50077311-d4a4-437c-9218-c3596d1f182f')/OData.SI.Deploy
Content-Type: application/json

POST response example

If the request is successful, you might receive a response similar to the following example:
"@odata.context": "$metadata#OData.SI.DeploymentResult",
"successful": true,
"code": null,
"errorMessage": null

Undeploying a streaming ingestion and replication task

Use a POST request to undeploy a streaming ingestion and replication task.

POST request

To undeploy a streaming ingestion and replication task, use the following URL:
<server URI>/sisvc/api/v1/Dataflows('<dataflow ID>')/OData.SI.Undeploy
A request body is not required because the URL passes the dataflow ID.

POST request example

To undeploy a streaming ingestion and replication task, you might send a request similar to the following example:
POST <serverUrl>/sisvc/api/v1/Dataflows('50077311-d4a4-437c-9218-c3596d1f182f')/OData.SI.Undeploy
Content-Type: application/json

POST response example

If the request is successful, you might receive a response similar to the following example:
"@odata.context": "$metadata#OData.SI.DeploymentResult",
"successful": true,
"code": null,
"errorMessage": null

Starting a streaming ingestion and replication task

Use a POST request to start a streaming ingestion and replication task.

POST request

To start a streaming ingestion and replication task, use the following URL:
<server URI>/sisvc/api/v1/Dataflows('<dataflow ID>')/OData.SI.Start
A request body is not required because the URL passes the dataflow ID.

POST request example

To start a streaming ingestion and replication task, you might send a request similar to the following example:
POST <serverUrl>/sisvc/api/v1/Dataflows('50077311-d4a4-437c-9218-c3596d1f182f')/OData.SI.Start
Content-Type: application/json

POST response example

If the request is successful, you might receive a response similar to the following example:
"@odata.context": "$metadata#OData.SI.DeploymentResult",
"successful": true,
"code": null,
"errorMessage": null

Stopping a streaming ingestion and replication task

Use a POST request to stop a streaming ingestion and replication task.

POST request

To stop a streaming ingestion and replication task, use the following URL:
<server URI>/sisvc/api/v1/Dataflows('<dataflowID>')/OData.SI.Stop
A request body is not required because the URL passes the dataflow ID.

POST request example

To stop a streaming ingestion and replication task, you might send a request similar to the following example:
POST <serverUrl>/sisvc/api/v1/Dataflows('d7572789-dc4c-4c56-bbeb-3772736d61aa')/OData.SI.Stop
Content-Type: application/json

POST response example

If the request is successful, you might receive a response similar to the following example:
"@odata.context": "$metadata#OData.SI.DeploymentResult",
"successful": true,
"code": null,
"errorMessage": null