REST API Reference > REST API resource quick references > Platform resource quick reference

Platform resource quick reference

The following list contains the syntax and a brief description of the Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services REST API platform resources:
activityLog GET
Version 2 resource.
Returns information from the Monitor service.
Use the serverUrl from the login response as the base URL for one of the following URIs:
/api/v2/activity/activityLog?rowLimit=<row limit>
You can also use the activityLog to download error logs and session logs from the server.
Use the serverUrl from the login response for one of the following URIs:
activityMonitor GET
Version 2 resource.
Returns information from the Monitor service.
Use the serverUrl from the login response as the base URL for the following URI:
agent GET
Version 2 resource.
Returns the details of a Secure Agent or of all Secure Agents in the organization. Also returns a Secure Agent install token and checksum download URL.
Use the serverUrl from the login response as the base URL for one of the following URIs:
agent DELETE
Version 2 resource.
Deletes a Secure Agent.
Use the serverUrl from the login response as the base URL for the following URI:
agentservice POST
Version 3 resource
Starts or stops a Secure Agent service.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL for the following URI:
auditlog GET
Version 2 resource.
Returns audit log entries.
Use the serverUrl from the login response as the base URL for one of the following URIs:
bundleObject GET
Version 2 resource.
Returns the details of a bundle or the details of all published or installed bundles in the organization.
Use the serverUrl from the login response as the base URL for one of the following URIs:
bundleObject POST
Version 2 resource.
Pushes a published private bundle to sub-organizations.
Use the serverUrl from the login response as the base URL in the following URI:
bundleObjectLicense GET
Version 2 resource.
Returns the details of all bundles available to or installed on the organization.
Use the serverUrl from the login response as the base URL in the following URI:
bundleObjectLicense POST
Version 2 resource.
Installs a bundle.
Use the serverUrl from the login response as the base URL in the following URI:
Use a bundleObjectLicense object to define attributes. Include the following required attribute: bundleId.
bundleObjectLicense DELETE
Version 2 resource.
Uninstalls a bundle.
Use the serverUrl from the login response as the base URL in the following URI:
ChangePassword POST
Version 3 resource.
Changes the password for the user who initiated the session or for a specified user.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL for the following URI:
checkin POST
Version 3 resource.
Updates the repository with latest version of an object.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL for the following URI:
checkout POST
Version 3 resource.
Checks out an object from the repository.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL for the following URI:
commit GET
Version 3 resource.
Returns details for a commit.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL for the following URI:
/public/core/v3/commit/<commit hash>
commitHistory GET
Version 3 resource.
Returns commit history for source-controlled objects with the latest commit listed first.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL for the following URI:
export POST
Version 3 resource.
Starts an export job and returns an export job ID.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL for the following URI:
export GET
Version 3 resource.
Returns export status or the export package.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL for one of the following URIs:
fetchState POST
Version 3 resource.
Creates an object states package and returns a fetchState job ID.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL for the following URI:
fetchState GET
Version 3 resource.
Returns the status of the fetchState job or the object states package.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL for one of the following URIs:
folders POST
Version 3 resource.
Creates a folder in the Default project.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL in the following URI:
folders PATCH
Version 3 resource.
Updates a folder that's in the Default project.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL in the following URI:
/public/core/v3/folders/<folder ID>
Note: To create or update a folder that is not in the Default project and to delete a folder, use the projects resource.
import POST
Version 3 resource.
Uploads an import package or starts an import job.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL for one of the following URIs:
import GET
Version 3 resource.
Returns status of an import job.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL for one of the following URIs:
job POST
Version 2 resource.
Starts or stops a task and optionally provides job status.
Use the serverUrl from the login response as the base URL for one of the following URIs:
Do not use this resource for a file ingestion task. Instead, use the file ingestion and replication job resource. For more information, see Jobs.
key GET
Version 3 resource.
Returns key rotation interval details for an organization.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL in the following URI:
Version 3 resource.
Changes the key rotation interval for an organization.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL in the following URI:
license GET
Version 3 resource.
Returns the license details for the organization that you are logged in to or a specified sub-organization.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL in the following URI:
license PUT
Version 3 resource.
Updates license information for a sub-organization.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL in the following URI:
Use the orgLicenseAssignment object to update license information.
loadState POST
Version 3 resource.
Uploads an object states package ZIP file or loads the object states.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL for one of the following URIs:
loadState GET
Version 3 resource.
Returns status of a loadState job.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL and include the job ID in one of the following URIs:
login POST
Version 3 resource.
Logs into an organization and returns a session ID that you use for API calls that you make during the session.
Use the following URL:
https://<cloud provider>-<region>
For more information about the cloud provider and region, see Login.
Don't include INFA-SESSION-ID in the request header.
Use a login object and include the following fields: username, password.
logout POST
Version 3 resource.
Logs out of an organization and ends the REST API session included in the request header.
Use the same URL used for the login POST except for the API name. Use the following URI:
https://<cloud provider>-<region>
login POST
Version 2 resource.
Logs into an organization and returns a session ID that you use for API calls that you make during the session.
To log in with your Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services account, use the following URL:
https://<cloud provider>-<region>
For more information about the cloud provider and region, see Logging in.
Don't include icSessionId in the request header.
Use a login object and include the following fields: username, password.
Version 2 resource.
For SAML single sign-on users, logs into an organization and returns a session ID that you can use for other API calls.
To log in to an organization, use the following URL:
https://<cloud provider>-<region>
For more information about the cloud provider and region, see Logging in.
Don't include icSessionId in the request header.
Include the following required attributes in the login object: orgId, samlToken.
loginSf POST
Version 2 resource.
Logs into an organization using Salesforce credentials and returns a session ID that you can use for other API calls.
To log in to an organization, use the following URL:
https://<cloud provider>-<region>
For more information about the cloud provider and region, see Logging in.
Don't include icSessionId in the request header.
Include the following required attributes in the login object: sfSessionId, sfServerUrl.
logout POST
Version 2 resource.
Logs out of an organization and ends the REST API session included in the request header.
Use the serverUrl from the login response as the base URL for the following URI:
logoutall POST
Version 2 resource.
Logs out of an organization and ends all version 2 REST API sessions for the organization.
Use the following URL:
https://<cloud provider>-<region>
Use a logout object to define attributes. Include the following required attributes: username, password.
Don't include icSessionId in the request header.
lookup POST
Version 3 resource.
Looks up an object's ID, name, path, or type attributes.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL for the following URI:
objects GET
Version 3 resource.
Returns a list of an organization's assets based on query parameters and returns a list of object dependencies for a specified asset. Also returns permission details for an organization's assets, projects, and folders, and the access rights you have for an object.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL for one of the following URIs:
objects POST
Version 3 resource.
Creates or updates an access control list (ACL). ACLs define user or user group permissions to assets, folders, and projects.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL for one of the following URIs:
objects DELETE
Version 3 resource.
Deletes a custom role.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL one of the following URIs:
org GET
Version 2 resource.
Returns the details of your Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services organization or a related sub-organization.
Use the serverUrl from the login response as the base URL for one of the following URIs:
org POST
Version 2 resource.
Updates the details of an Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services organization or a related sub-organization.
Use the serverUrl from the login response as the base URL for the following URI:
Use an org object to define attributes.
Version 2 resource.
Deletes a related sub-organization.
Use the serverUrl from the login response as the base URL for the following URI:
Orgs GET
Version 3 resource.
Returns a list of trusted IP address ranges for an Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services organization or sub-organization.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL for one of the following URI:
Orgs PUT
Version 3 resource.
Enables or disables trusted IP ranges and adds values of trusted IP ranges for an Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services organization or sub-organization. Also creates or removes mappings between SAML groups and roles and Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services roles.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL for one of the following URIs:
privileges GET
Version 3 resource.
Returns a list of privileges that can be used in custom roles.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL for one of the following URIs:
projects POST
Version 3 resource.
Creates a project. Also creates a folder in a project other than the Default project.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL in one of the following URIs:
projects PATCH
Version 3 resource.
Updates a project. Also updates a folder that's in a project other than the Default project.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL in one of the following URIs:
Note: To create or update a folder that's in the Default project, use the folders resource.
projects DELETE
Version 3 resource.
Deletes a project or folder.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL in one of the following URIs:
pull GET
Version 3 resource.
Note: The pull GET request that was used to get the status of a pull operation is deprecated. Use a sourceControlAction GET request to receive the status for a source control operation.
pull POST
Version 3 resource.
Retrieves objects from your repository and loads them into your organization.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL for the following URI:
pullByCommitHash POST
Version 3 resource.
Retrieves objects from your repository that were modified by a particular commit and loads them into your organization.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL for the following URI:
register POST
Version 2.
Creates an Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services sub-organization based on an Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services user account. For Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services partners only.
Use the serverUrl from the login response as the base URL for the following URI:
Use a registration object to define attributes.
ResetPassword POST
Version 3 resource.
Resets the password for the user who initiated the session.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL for the following URI:
roles GET
Version 3 resource.
Returns details for an organization's roles.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL for the following URI:
roles POST
Version 3 resource.
Creates a custom role.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL in the following URI:
roles PUT
Version 3 resource.
Updates a custom role.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL in one of the following URIs:
roles DELETE
Version 3 resource.
Deletes a custom role.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL for the following URI:
runtimeEnvironment GET
Version 2 resource.
Returns the details of the runtime environments used by the organization. You can also get details about Secure Agent service properties for Secure Agent groups.
Use the serverUrl from the login response as the base URL for one of the following URIs:
runtimeEnvironment POST
Version 2 resource.
Creates or updates a Secure Agent group.
Use the serverUrl from the login response as the base URL for one of the following URIs:
runtimeEnvironment PUT
Version 2 resource.
Enables services and connectors and sets Secure Agent service properties for a Secure Agent group.
Use the serverUrl from the login response as the base URL for one of the following URIs:
runtimeEnvironment DELETE
Version 2 resource.
Deletes a Secure Agent group or deletes Secure Agent service property settings for a Secure Agent group.
Use the serverUrl from the login response as the base URL for one of the following URIs:
schedule GET
Version 3 resource.
Returns the details of a schedule or of all schedules in the organization.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL for one of the following URIs:
schedule POST
Version 3 resource.
Creates a schedule.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL in the following URI:
schedule PATCH
Version 3 resource.
Updates a schedule.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL in the following URI:
schedule DELETE
Version 3 resource.
Deletes a schedule.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL in the following URI:
schedule GET
Version 2 resource.
Returns the details of a schedule or of all schedules in the organization.
Use the serverUrl from the login response as the base URL for one of the following URIs:
schedule POST
Version 2 resource.
Creates or updates a schedule.
Use the serverUrl from the login response as the base URL for the following URI:
Note: To leverage full scheduling capabilities, use the version 3 schedule resource instead of the version 2 schedule resource.
schedule DELETE
Version 2 resource.
Deletes a schedule.
Use the serverUrl from the login response as the base URL for the following URI:
securityLog GET
Version 3 resource.
Returns security log entries that include events such as login actions and permission changes.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL for the following URI:
serverTime GET
Version 2 resource.
Returns the local time for the Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services server.
Use the serverUrl from the login response as the base URL for the following URI:
sourceControlAction GET
Version 3 resource.
Returns the status of a source control operation for the specified object.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL for one of the following URIs:
TagObjects POST
Version 3 resource.
Assigns tags to an asset.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL for the following URI:
task GET
Version 2 resource.
Returns a list of tasks of the specified type.
Use the serverUrl from the login response as the base URL for the following URI:
undoCheckout POST
Version 3 resource.
Reverses a checkout and reverts the object to its original state.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL for the following URI:
UntagObjects POST
Version 3 resource.
Removes tags that were assigned to an asset.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL for the following URI:
user GET
Version 2 resource.
Returns the details of an Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services user account or of all user accounts in the organization.
Use the serverUrl from the login response as the base URL for one of the following URIs:
Note: To leverage full user management capabilities, use the version 3 users resource instead of the version 2 user resource. The version 3 users resource supports users, user groups, and roles. The version 2 user resource does not support user groups and roles, and a GET request might not return all users in the organization.
user POST
Version 2 resource.
Creates or updates an Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services user account.
Use the serverUrl from the login response as the base URL for the following URI:
Note: We recommend that you use the version 3 users resource, instead of using the version 2 user resource. The version 2 user resource doesn't support user groups or user roles.
Version 2 resource.
Deletes an Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services user account.
Use the serverUrl from the login response as the base URL for the following URI:
userGroups GET
Version 3 resource.
Returns details for all user groups in the organization or the details for a particular user group.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL for the following URI:
userGroups POST
Version 3 resource.
Creates an Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services user group.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL for one of the following URIs:
userGroups PUT
Version 3 resource.
Updates an Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services user group.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL for one of the following URIs:
userGroups DELETE
Version 3 resource.
Deletes an Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services user group.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL for the following URI:
users GET
Version 3 resource.
Returns details for all users in the organization or the details for a particular user.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL for one of the following URIs:
users POST
Version 3 resource.
Creates an Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services user account.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL for the following URI:
users PUT
Version 3 resource.
Updates role and user group assignments for a user.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL for one of the following URIs:
users DELETE
Version 3 resource.
Deletes an Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services user account.
Use the baseApiUrl from the login response as the base URL for the following URI: