Using CLAIRE GPT > Using CLAIRE GPT > Data Marketplace

Data Marketplace

The following table lists the Data Marketplace tasks that you can perform in CLAIRE GPT:
Data discovery
Start conversations in natural language to quickly search for data collections relevant to your business use case in Data Marketplace. You can also discover categories, consumer accesses and orders.
For more information about data discovery, see Discover assets from the catalog.
Metadata exploration
Explore, view, and understand the metadata attributes of a category or data collection present in Data Marketplace. This includes the properties of the category or data collection.
For more information about metadata exploration, see Explore metadata of assets from the catalog.
Effective in the November 2024 release, the ability to discover and explore metadata and data from Data Marketplace is available for preview.
Preview functionality is supported for evaluation purposes but is unwarranted and is not supported in production environments or any environment that you plan to push to production. Informatica intends to include the preview functionality in an upcoming release for production use, but might choose not to in accordance with changing market or technical circumstances. For more information, contact Informatica Global Customer Support.

Fetch data for the weekly sales report

You are an intern that was recently hired in the Darmstadt office of a food and beverage company. You are asked to create the weekly sales report. Your manager informs you that he has already placed an order in Data Marketplace for the data that you will need to create the report, and advises you to start by checking the status of the order.
Let’s discover the relevant categories in Data Marketplace. Then, we’ll identify the data collection to use for the weekly sales report. Finally, we'll identify the order that was placed for the data collection.
  1. 1Log in to CLAIRE GPT.
  2. 2Start your conversation to find all the categories related to Sales.
  3. Enter the following prompt:
    Show sales categories
    The following image shows the response of CLAIRE GPT to the prompt, displaying the categories that contain 'sales' in their name or description:
    Response from CLAIRE GPT displaying the categories that contain 'sales' in their name or description.
    From the response, you identify that the 'DEsls' category is the category that contains the data that you seek.
    This showcases the data discovery capability of CLAIRE GPT.
    For more information about data discovery, see Data discovery.
  4. 3Now, let's try to view the data collections in the DEsls category.
  5. Enter the following prompt:
    Show data collections in DEsls category
    The following image shows the response of CLAIRE GPT to the prompt, displaying the data collections in the DEsls category:
    Response from CLAIRE GPT displaying the data collections in the DEsls category.
    From the response, you identify that the 'Weekly sales bucket' data collection is the collection that contains the data that you seek.
    This showcases the metadata exploration capability of CLAIRE GPT.
    For more information about metadata exploration, see Metadata exploration.
  6. 4Now, let's find the order for the data that you need.
  7. Enter the following prompt:
    Show all orders for Weekly sales bucket
After discovering the appropriate order, you can open it in Data Marketplace to view its status and to interact with the stakeholder that is responsible for delivering the data to you.