Increase productivity by leveraging keyboard shortcuts that you can use in prompts.
CLAIRE GPT offers the following keyboard shortcuts:
View a list of sample prompts that you can use quickly.
⋀ or ⋁
Recall prompts within a conversation.
To access previously sent prompts, use the up and down arrow keys. You can opt to try the same prompt again or modify it further.
CLAIRE GPT's intelligent prompt completion functionality to see assets, users, and user group suggestions based on your conversation history. This allows you to quickly refer assets and save time.
CLAIRE GPT's intelligent prompt completion functionality gives you asset suggestions based on the intent of your previously sent prompts and the last seen or explored assets in the conversation. You can send a few prompts related to a data set and then type @ in the prompt text box to view suggestions based on your conversation history and CLAIRE GPT's responses to your previous prompts.
Note: To see a list of assets when you type @ in the prompt text box, you need to first search and discover a few assets in the conversation.
The following image shows the response of CLAIRE GPT to the prompt, Show overview of @, displaying suggestions of assets relevant to the conversation:
When you type @ in the prompt text box, a list of assets that were recently discovered based on your conversation history appears. If you continue to type the asset name, the list shortens, and you can select an asset from this list.
The following image shows the response of CLAIRE GPT to the prompt, Show all tables in the catalog source @Customer, displaying suggestions of catalog sources with Customer in the name:
To identify the list of assets created, modified, owned, or used by a user, construct variations of the following prompts:
•Show assets created by @
•Show assets updated/modified by @
•Show assets owned by @
•Show assets used by @
User names appear when you type "created by", "owned by", "used by", "updated by", "modified by", or other variations followed by @ in the prompt text box. If you continue to type the user name, the list shortens, and you can select a user name from this list. For example, if you want to identify the list of assets modified by the data architect, John, you can construct the prompt as "Show me assets modified by @John".
The following image shows the response of CLAIRE GPT to the prompt, Show me tables created by @, displaying suggestions of user names:
You can filter the suggestions based on the following categories: