View a list of registered domains on the Explore page. The page displays information such as domain status, node and service status, and other domain information. You can view domain information in a card view or table view.
To open the Explore page, click Explore on the navigation panel of the Home page or click Manage your Domains. You can switch between card and table views to view the domains.
The following table describes the domain details:
Display Name
The domain display name.
Status of the domain.
Update status
If an update is available, indicates whether the update is scheduled, in progress, or failed. If no update is available, indicates that the domain is on the latest version.
If a mandatory update is available and has passed the due date, the status appears as obsolete. You can't update an obsolete domain. To update the domain, contact Informatica Global Customer service.
The current version of the domain.
Total Nodes
The total number of nodes in the domain.
Appears in the table view.
The number of nodes by status in the domain.
The number of services by status in the domain.
Created On
Date and time of registration of the domain.
You can view additional information including Created by, Modified by, and Modified on details in the table view. By default the columns are hidden. Click anywhere on the header to display or hide columns.
To update the information on the page, click the Refresh button. You can search, sort, or apply filters to view specific domains. To open a Domain Details page and view detailed information about a domain, click the display name.
To perform tasks without opening the Domain Details page, click the Actions button. The Actions menu is on the lower right corner of each domain card in the card view, and in the Actions column in the table view. The tasks that you can perform depend on the status of the domain. Tasks that you can't perform appear disabled in the Actions menu.
You can perform the following tasks on a domain from the Explore page:
Deregisters the domain and moves the domain to Deregistered state. You can't run sessions and workflows in a deregistered domain. You can deregister a domain that is Available.
Deletes a domain from Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services. Available if the domain is in Deregistered state.
Retry Registration
Registers a domain that you deregistered. Retry registration if you want to start using a domain that you previously deregistered. Available if the domain is deregistered.
You can edit the domain details.
Sync Domain License
Synchronizes licenses between the domain and Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services.
Attempts to reestablish connectivity with the domain. Available if the domain appears offline in Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services. You need to provide domain administrator credentials to perform this task.
The following image shows the card view of a sample Explore page:
The following image shows the table view of a sample Explore page:
Search and filter
To view specific domains on the Explore page, you can search, sort entries, or apply filters.
To open the Explore page with domains filtered by a specific status, click links in the Domain Status section on the Home page.
You can search for domains by the display name from the search field.
Select the high-level filters to filter based on domain update information. To view domains that are not on the latest version, apply the Needs Update filter. To view domains on which update application failed, apply the Update Failed filter.
You can filter and search for domains by multiple domain properties, including the display name, domain status, update status, and node or service status.
You can sort the order of domain entries by properties such as the display name, update and version information, domain status, and creation details.
Note: Filters, search text, and sort settings that you apply on the page are saved in the browser cache and reflect the next time you log in from the same browser.