SAP ODP Extractor Connector > Connections for SAP ODP Extractor > Hierarchical data extraction from SAP ODP objects

Hierarchical data extraction from SAP ODP objects

Before you create an SAP ODP Extractor connection, you need to install the SAP ODP Extractor transport files from the Secure Agent directory to the SAP system when you want to extract hierarchical data from SAP ODP objects from a Unicode SAP system.
Ensure that the transport files you install on the SAP machines are the latest. Get the latest transport files from the following directory:
<Informatica Secure Agent installation directory>\downloads\package-SAPODP.<Latest version>\package\sapodp\sap-transport

Prerequisites to install the transport files

Before you install the SAP ODP Extractor transports, you need to perform the prerequisite tasks.
The following table lists the transports that you need to install to read data from the SAP ODP objects:
Data and Cofile Names
Transport Request
  • - K900426.IN7
  • - R900426.IN7
Install the transports only when you want to read from an SAP ODP that supports hierarchy.
If the SAP ODP objects that do not contain hierarchical data, you can use SAP ODP Extractor Connector without installing the SAP ODP Extractor transport files.

Installing transport files

To install the SAP ODP Extractor transport files, perform the following steps:
  1. 1Find the transport files in the following directory on the Secure Agent machine:
  2. <Informatica Secure Agent installation directory>\downloads\package-SAPODP.<Latest version>\package\sapodp\sap-transport
  3. 2Copy the cofile transport file to the Cofile directory in the SAP transport management directory on each SAP machine that you want to access.
  4. The cofile transport file uses the following naming convention: <number>.<sap system>.
  5. 3Copy the data transport file to the Data directory in the SAP transport management directory on each SAP machine that you want to access.
  6. The data transport file uses the following naming convention: <number>.<sap-system>.
  7. 4To import the transports to SAP, in the STMS, click Extras > Other Requests > Add and add the transport request to the system queue.
  8. 5In the Add Transport Request to Import Queue dialog box, enter the request number for the cofile transport.
  9. The request number inverts the order of the renamed cofile as follows: <sap-system><number>.
  10. 6In the Request area of the import queue, select the transport request number that you added, and click Import.
  11. 7If you want to upgrade from a previous version of the Informatica Transports, select the Overwrite Originals option.