Manage Reports > Manage reports > Creating custom reports

Creating custom reports

You can create a custom report and add it as a widget to the dashboard.
To create a custom report, perform the following steps:
  1. 1Create a custom report.
  2. 2Add a chart to a custom report.

Create custom reports based on master records

To create a custom report based on master records, use the master records that belong to a business entity as the report data.
    1Click New > Report > Tabular Report > Create.
    The New Tabular Report dialog box appears.
    2Specify the properties of the report.
    The following table describes the properties that you can configure when you create a custom report:
    Display Name
    Name of the custom report.
    Internal ID
    Unique identifier of the custom report.
    Description of the custom report.
    Report Based On
    The source for the custom report. Select Master Records.
    Business Entity
    The business entity that you want to build custom reports on.
    Report Data
    Data that's used to create an aggregated report for the dashboard or the individual record details page.
    You can select any of the following options:
    • - All records. Creates an aggregated report for the dashboard based on all the business entity records.
    • - Individual record. Creates an aggregated report for the individual record details page based on the applicable fields in the business entity. For example, an aggregated report that displays the average sales and profit details.
    3Click Create.
    A page with the name that you specify in the Display Name field appears.
    4Select the report style.
    You can select one of the following report styles:
    5If you select Standard, select a dimension and click Add.
    6If you select Drill down, select dimensions at level 1, level 2, and level 3, and click Add.
    Setting level 3 dimension is optional.
    You can view only the business entity fields that are enabled for reports as dimensions. The dynamic fields, business entity record fields, and fields in a nested field group don't appear as dimensions.
    7Select the measures, and click Add.
    The dynamic fields, business entity record fields, and fields in a nested field group don't appear as measures.
    The following table describes the properties that you can configure when you add fields as measures:
    Displays the count of values for the selected field. You can view the count for all fields.
    Displays the total sum of integer, decimal, or double field values that are added as measures. You can view the sum when you add an integer, decimal, or double field as a measure.
    You can select up to five measures. You can view only the business entity fields that are enabled for reports as measures.
    8To filter the report data based on the field values, select the fields from Filters, and click Add.
    Based on the type of field that you select, you can select operators to filter values.
    The following table describes the fields and the operators that you can use to filter data:
    Field Type
    Filters the field values based on the specified date.
    The field type supports the following operators:
    • - Equals. Filters records with field values that exactly match the date value you entered.
    • - Is Blank. Filters records with a blank value in the field.
    When you create reports with date and time values, the report displays only the date.
    Filters the field values based on the specified text.
    The field type supports the following operators:
    • - Equals. Filters records with field values that match precisely with the text value you entered.
    • Note: The value is case sensitive.
    • - In. Filters records with field values that contain the text you entered.
    • - Is Blank. Filters records with a blank value in the field.
    Filters the field values based on the specified numeric value or range.
    The field type supports the following operators:
    • - Equals. Filters records with field values that precisely match the numeric value that you entered.
    • - Range. Filters records with field values that are greater than or equal to the minimum value and less than or equal to the maximum value that you entered.
    • - Is Blank. Filters records with a blank value in the field.
    Filters the field values based on the values that you select.
    The field type supports the following operators:
    • - Equals. Filters field values based on the following values that you select:
      • - Yes (True).
      • - No (False).
    • - Is Blank. Filters records with a blank value in the field.
    Filters field values based on the values you select.
    The field type supports the following operators:
    • - In. Filters field values that contain the values you enter select.
    • - Is Blank. Filters records with a blank value in the field.
    9Click Apply.
    A preview of the report appears in a tabular format. The report preview displays up to 100 rows of sample data. Based on the selected dimension and measures, the sample data gets generated from the first 100 matching master records. The master records are sorted based on their creation date.
To view aggregate results for a specific business entity field, select the same field value for both dimension and measure. If you select different values for dimension and measure, the report displays how each dimension value correlates with a count of the selected measure.

Create custom reports based on records with validation errors

You can create records based on records with validation errors to display the validation statuses of master records in a business entity.
    1Click New > Report > Tabular Report > Create.
    The New Tabular Report dialog box appears.
    2Specify the properties of the report.
    The following table describes the properties that you can configure when you create a custom report:
    Display Name
    Name of the custom report.
    Internal ID
    Unique identifier of the custom report.
    Description of the custom report.
    Report Based On
    The source for the custom report. Select Records with Validation Errors to generate a metadata report that displays information about records that contain validation errors.
    Business Entity
    The business entity that you want to build custom reports on.
    3Click Create.
    A page with the name that you specify in the Display Name field appears.
    4Select a dimension and a measure, and click Add.
    You can select the following fields as a dimension or measure:
    5Select a measure, and click Add.
    6To filter the report data based on the field values, select the fields from Filters, and click Add.
    The following table describes the fields that you can use to filters data:
    Field Name
    Validation Status
    Filters the field values based on the validation statuses of records, such as pending, failed, and passed.
    Error Type
    Filters the field values based on the types of validation errors, such as mandatory fields missing or character limit exceeded.
    Error Severity
    Filters the field values based on the severity of the validation errors, such as information, error, or warning.
    Source System
    Filters the field values based on the source systems.
    Fields with Validation Errors
    Filters the field values based on the fields that contain the validation errors.
    7Click Apply.
    A preview of the report appears in a tabular format. The report preview displays up to 100 rows of sample data. Based on the selected dimension and measures, the sample data gets generated from the first 100 matching master records. The master records are sorted based on their creation date.
To view aggregate results for a specific attribute, select the same value for both dimension and measure. If you select different values for dimension and measure, the report displays how each dimension value correlates with a count of the selected measure attributes.

Create custom reports based on merge history activity

You can create merge history activity reports to view the number of records that are merged by the match process and users.
    1Click New > Report > Tabular Report > Create.
    The New Tabular Report dialog box appears.
    2Specify the properties of the report.
    The following table describes the properties that you can configure when you create a custom report:
    Display Name
    Name of the custom report.
    Internal ID
    Unique identifier of the custom report.
    Description of the custom report.
    Report Based On
    The source for the custom report. Select Merge History Activity to generate a metadata report that displays information about source records that are merged to form master records.
    Business Entity
    The business entity that you want to build custom reports on.
    3Click Create.
    A page with the name that you specify in the Display Name field appears.
    4Select a dimension and a measure, and click Add.
    You can select the following fields as a dimension or measure:
    5Select a measure, and click Add.
    6To filter the report data based on the field values, select the fields from Filters, and click Add. The following table describes the fields and the operators that you can use to filters data:
    Field Name
    Source System
    Filters the field values based on the source systems.
    Declarative Rule
    Filters the field values based on the declarative rules.
    Match Outcome
    Filters the field values based on the outcome of the match and merge process.
    The field type supports the following match and merge process outcomes:
    • - Auto-merged. Records that are merged automatically using match rules.
    • - Auto-merged with Approval. Records that are merged automatically after the merge proposal is approved.
    • - User Merged. Master records that are manually merged by users from the user interface.
    • Note: When a subsequent automated merge batch process runs after a user merged with approval process, records that are merged by users with approval are included in the user merged record count.
    • - Not Merged. Master records that didn't go through the merge process.
    • Not Merged records include the following master records:
      • - Records that were added in business applications and didn't participate in the match and merge process yet.
      • - Unique master records that didn't go through the match and merge process.
      • - Unmerged records that were previously merged.
    • - User Merged with Approval. Master records that are manually merged by users from the user interface after the merge proposal is approved.
    Merged By
    Filters field values based on the users who merged them or last modified the record.
    The field type supports the following operators:
    • - Equals. Searches for field values that exactly match the text value you entered. The value is case-sensitive.
    • - In. Searches for field values that contain the text you entered.
    Merged On
    Filters field values based on the date when the records were merged.
    You can specify the date range in the following fields:
    • - Start Date. Indicates the date when the merge process started.
    • - End Date. Indicates the date when the merge process ended.
    When you create reports with date and time values, the report displays only the date.
    7Click Apply.
    A preview of the report appears in a tabular format. The report preview displays up to 100 rows of sample data. Based on the selected dimension and measure, the sample data gets generated from the first 100 matching master records. The master records are sorted based on their creation date.
To view aggregate results for a specific attribute, select the same value for both dimension and measure. If you select different values for dimension and measure, the report displays how each dimension value correlates with a count of the selected measure attributes.

Add a chart to the custom report

You can add a chart to the custom report you create. Also, you can customize the look and feel of the charts.
Note: If your custom reports contain multiple measures, use the bar chart template. Pie charts incorrectly display the data for reports with multiple measures.
    1On the toolbar of the reports creation page, click Chart.
    The Templates panel appears.
    2Select a chart template that you want to use to display the report data.
    The preview of the template appears in the preview panel.
    Note: You can add only the pie and column charts for a drill-down report.
    3Click Save.
    The report data appears on the selected chart template and report table.