What's New > October 2023 > New features and enhancements

New features and enhancements

The October 2023 release includes the following new features and enhancements.
Watch the following What's New video to learn about the new features and enhancements in the October 2023 release:
Reference 360 What's New video for October 2023 release.https://bit.ly/3LXmIXA

View code list and hierarchy data at a point in time

You can now view code values that existed in code lists and hierarchies at a point in time. Also, you can easily revert to the current code values.
The following image shows the code values of a sample code list, Enterprise Currency, at a point in time:View code values of code list at a specific point in time.
For more information about viewing code values of a code list at a point in time, see Manage code lists.
For more information about viewing code values of a hierarchy at a point in time, see Manage hierarchies.

Import and export hierarchies

You can now import and export hierarchies. In addition to defining reference data import and export jobs to import and export code lists and crosswalks, you can now define import and export jobs to import and export hierarchies.
For more information about importing or exporting hierarchies, see Manage jobs.