SAP Field Name | SAP Table Name | Reference 360 Attribute Name |
Account Group Code | T077S-KTOKS |
Account Group Description | T077S-TXT30 | Account Group Description |
Account Range | NA | Account Range |
Number of G/L account (upper area limit)--Range | T077S-BISNR | Lower Limit |
Number of G/L account (lower area limit)--Range | T077S-VONNR | Upper Limit |
SAP Field Name | SAP Table Name | Reference 360 Attribute Name |
Account Type | NA |
SAP Field Name | SAP Table Name | Reference 360 Attribute Name |
Chart of Accounts | T004-KTOPL |
Significant length of the GL account number | T004-SAKLN | Length of GL Account Number |
Maintenance language for the chart of accounts | T004-DSPRA | Maintenance Language |
Description | T004-KTPLT | COA Description |
SAP Field Name | SAP Table Name | Reference 360 Attribute Name |
Company Code | T001-BUKRS | Code |
Company Name | T001-BUTXT | Name |
SAP Field Name | SAP Table Name | Reference 360 Attribute Name |
Currency | TCURC-WAERS |
Iso Code | TCURC-ISOCD | Iso Code |
SAP Field Name | SAP Table Name | Reference 360 Attribute Name |
Field status group | T004F-FSTAG |
SAP Field Name | SAP Table Name | Reference 360 Attribute Name |
GL Account | SKB1-SAKNR | GL Account |
Company Code | SKB1-BUKRS |
Field Status Group | SKB1-FSTAG | Field Status Group |
Reconciliation Account Indicator/type | SKB1-MITKZ | Reconciliation Account Indicator |
Tax Code/ category | SKB1-MWSKZ | Tax Code |
Account Currency | SKB1-WAERS | Account Currency |
Post Automatically Only | SKB1-XINTB | Post Automatically Only |
Open Item Management | SKB1-XOPVW | Open Item Management |
Indicator: Reconcil.acct ready for input at time of posting? | SKB1-XMITK | Indicator |
Posting Without Tax Allowed | SKB1-XMITK | Posting Without Tax Allowed |
Balance in Local Currency Only | SKB1-XSALH | Balance In Local Currency Only |
Sort Key | SKB1-ZUAWA | Sort Key |
Mark for Delete | SKB1-XLOEB | Mark For Delete |
Blocked for posting | SKB1-XSPEB | Blocked For Posting |
Cost Element Category | NA | Cost Element Category |
SAP Field Name | SAP Table Name | Reference 360 Attribute Name |
Account Group | SKA1-KTOKS | Account Group |
Account type | SKA1-GLACCOUNT_TYPE | Account Type |
Blocked for creation | SKA1-XSPEA | Blocked for Creation |
Chart of Accounts | SKA1-KTOPL | Chart of Accounts |
Functional Area | SKA1-FUNC_AREA | Functional Area |
GL Account | SKA1-SAKNR |
Search term for match code search | SKA1-MCOD1 | Search Term |
Blocked for posting | SKA1-XSPEB | Blocked for Posting |
Blocked for planning | SKA1-XSPEP | Blocked for Planning |
Indicator: Account Is a Balance Sheet Account? | SKA1-XBILK | Indicator |
P&L Statement Account Type | SKA1-GVTYP | PL Statement Account Type |
SAP Field Name | SAP Table Name | Reference 360 Attribute Name |
Functional Area | TFKB-FKBER |
SAP Field Name | SAP Table Name | Reference 360 Attribute Name |
GL Account | SKAT-SAKNR | GL Account |
Language Key | SKAT-SPRAS |
Long Description | SKAT-TXT50 | Long Description |
Short Description | SKAT-TXT20 | Short Description |
SAP Field Name | SAP Table Name | Reference 360 Attribute Name |
Language Key | T002-SPRAS |
SAP Field Name | SAP Table Name | Reference 360 Attribute Name |
Recon Account Type | NA |
SAP Field Name | SAP Table Name | Reference 360 Attribute Name |
Name | TZUN-NAME1 | Name |
Sort Key | TZUN-ZUAWA | Code |
SAP Field Name | SAP Table Name | Reference 360 Attribute Name |
Tax Code | NA |
SAP Field Name | SAP Table Name | Reference 360 Attribute Name |
Business Area | TGSB-GSBER |
SAP Field Name | SAP Table Name | Reference 360 Attribute Name |
Name | TKA01-BEZEI | Name |
CO Area | TKA01-KOKRS | Code |
SAP Field Name | SAP Table Name | Reference 360 Attribute Name |
Business Area | CSKS-GSBER | Business Area |
City | CSKS-ORT01 | City |
Company Code | CSKS-BUKRS | Company Code |
Controlling Area | CSKS-KOKRS | Controlling Area |
Cost Center | CSKS-KOSTL | Code |
Cost Center Category | CSKS-KOSAR | Cost Center Category |
Country Key | CSKS-LAND1 | Country Key |
Created On | CSKS-ERSDA | Created On |
Currency Key | CSKS-WAERS | Currency Key |
Department | CSKS-ABTEI | Department |
Description | CSKS-LTEXT | Description |
Functional Area | CSKS-FUNC_AREA | Functional Area |
House number and street | CSKS-STRAS | House Number and Street |
Language Key | CSKS-SPRAS | Language Key |
Lock Indicator for Actual Primary Postings | CSKS-BKZKP | Lock Indicator For Actual Primary Postings |
Lock Indicator for Actual Revenue Postings | CSKS-BKZER | Lock Indicator For Actual Revenue Postings |
Lock Indicator for Actual Secondary Costs | CSKS-BKZKS | Lock Indicator For Actual Secondary Costs |
Lock Indicator for Commitment Update | CSKS-BKZOB | Lock Indicator |
Lock Indicator for Planning Revenues | CSKS-PKZER | Lock Indicator For Planning Revenues |
Lock Indicator for Plan Primary Costs | CSKS-PKZKP | Lock Indicator For Plan Primary Costs |
Lock Indicator for Plan Secondary Costs | CSKS-PKZKS | Lock Indicator For Plan Secondary Costs |
Name | CSKS-NAME1 | Name |
Person responsible | CSKS-VERAK | Person Responsible |
PO Box | CSKS-PFACH | PO Box |
P.O. Box Postal Code | CSKS-PSTL2 | PO Box Postal Code |
Postal Code | CSKS-PSTLZ | Postal Code |
Profit Center | CSKS-PRCTR | Profit Center |
Standard Hierarchy Area | CSKS-KHINR | Standard Hierarchy Area |
Tax Jurisdiction | CSKS-TXJCD | Tax Jurisdiction |
User Responsible | CSKS-VERAK_USER | User Responsible |
Valid From Date | CSKS-DATAB | Valid From Date |
Valid To Date | CSKS-DATBI | Valid To Date |
SAP Field Name | SAP Table Name | Reference 360 Attribute Name |
Company Code | T001-BUKRS |
SAP Field Name | SAP Table Name | Reference 360 Attribute Name |
Category Code | NA | Category Code |
Category desc | NA | Category Description |
Parent Category code | NA | Parent Category Code |
SAP Field Name | SAP Table Name | Reference 360 Attribute Name |
Language Key | CSKT-SPRAS |
Description | CSKT-LTEXT | Description |
General Name | CSKT-KTEXT | General Name |
Valid To Date | CSKT-DATBI | Valid To Date |
Controlling Area | CSKT-KOKRS | Controlling Area |
Cost Center | CSKT-KOSTL | Cost Center |
SAP Field Name | SAP Table Name | Reference 360 Attribute Name |
Currency | TCURC-WAERS |
SAP Field Name | SAP Table Name | Reference 360 Attribute Name |
Country | T005-LAND1 |
SAP Field Name | SAP Table Name | Reference 360 Attribute Name |
Functional Area | TFKB-FKBER |
SAP Field Name | SAP Table Name | Reference 360 Attribute Name |
Language Key | T002-SPRAS |
SAP Field Name | SAP Table Name | Reference 360 Attribute Name |
Profit Center | CEPC-PRCTR |
SAP Field Name | SAP Table Name | Reference 360 Attribute Name |
Jurisdiction for Tax Calculation - Tax Jurisdiction Code | TTXJ-TXJCD |
SAP Field Name | SAP Table Name | Reference 360 Attribute Name |
Description | SETHEADERT.DESC | Description |
Sub Class (Controlling Area) | SETNODE.SUBCLASS | Controlling Area |
Subset Subclass (Cost Center Group) | SETNODE.SUBSETSUBCLASS | Cost Center Group |
SAP Field Name | SAP Table Name | Reference 360 Attribute Name |
Description | SETHEADERT.DESC | Description |
Sub Class (Controlling Area) | SETNODE.SUBCLASS | Controlling Area |
Subset Name (Cost Center Group) | SETNODE.SUBSETNAME | Cost Center Group |
Set Name (Parent Hierarchy Area Code) | SETNODE.SUBCLASS + SETNODE.SETNAME | Parent ID |
SAP Field Name | SAP Table Name | Reference 360 Attribute Name |
Valid From (Cost Center Group) | SETLEAF.VALFROM | Cost Center Group |
Sub Class (Controlling Area) | SETLEAF.SUBCLASS | Controlling Area |
Set Name (Parent Hierarchy Area Code) | SETLEAF.SUBCLASS + SETLEAF.SETNAME | Parent ID |
SAP Field Name | SAP Table Name | Reference 360 Attribute Name |
Profit Center | CEPC.PRCTR |
Controlling Area | CEPC.KOKRS | Controlling Area |
Company Code | CEPC.BUKRS | Company Code |
Valid To | CEPC.DATBI | Valid To |
Reference 360 Attribute Name | SAP Field Name | SAP Data Type | Length |
Code | GLACCOUNTNO | CHAR | 10 |
Chart of Accounts | CHARTOFACCOUNT | CHAR | 4 |
Account Type | ACCOUNTGROUP | CHAR | 4 |
Account Group | FUNCTIONALAREA | CHAR | 16 |
Search | SEARCHTERM | CHAR | 25 |
Short Description | SHORTDESCRIPTION | CHAR | 20 |
Long Description | LONGDESCRIPTION | CHAR | 100 |
Reference 360 Attribute Name | SAP Field Name | SAP Data Type | Length |
GL Account | GLACCOUNTNO | CHAR | 10 |
Reconciliation Account Indicator | RECONCACCTINDTYP | CHAR | 1 |
Tax Code | TAXCD | CHAR | 2 |
Account Currency | ACTCURR | CUKY | 5 |
Post Automatically Only | POSTAUTONLY | CHAR | 1 |
Open Item Management | OPENITMMNGMNT | CHAR | 1 |
Posting Without Tax Allowed | PSTNDTAXWITHOUTALLOWEDD | CHAR | 1 |
Balance In Local Currency Only | BALINLCLACCTCURRENCY | CHAR | 1 |
Sort Key | SORTKEY | CHAR | 3 |
Blocked For Posting | ACOUNTBLCKDPSTIND | CHAR | 1 |
Chart of Account | CHARTOFACCOUNT |
Reference 360 Attribute Name | SAP Field Name | SAP Data Type | Length |
Business Area | BUSINESSAREA | CHAR | 4 |
City | CITY | CHAR | 10 |
Company Code | COMPANYCODE | CHAR | 4 |
Controlling Area | CONTROLLINGAREA | CHAR | 4 |
Country Key | COUNTRYKEY | CHAR | 10 |
Created On | CREATEDON | STRING | 256 |
Currency Key | CURRENCYKEY | CUKY | 5 |
Cost Center Category | COSTCENTERCATEGORY | CHAR | 1 |
Code | COSTCENTER | CHAR | 10 |
Department | DEPARTMENT | CHAR | 12 |
Description | DESCRIPTION | CHAR | 16 |
Functional Area | FUNCTIONALAREA | CHAR | 16 |
House Number and Street | HOUSENO&STRT | CHAR | 35 |
Language Key | LANGUAGEKEY | LANG | 1 |
Lock Indicator For Actual Primary Postings | LOCKINDACTPRIMPOST | CHAR | 1 |
Lock Indicator For Actual Secondary Postings | LOCKINDACTSCNDPOST | CHAR | 1 |
Lock Indicator for Commitment Update | LOCKINDFORCOMMUPD | CHAR | 1 |
Lock Indicator For Planning Revenues | LOCKINDFORPLNGREV | CHAR | 1 |
Lock Indicator For Plan Secondary Costs | LOCKINDFORPLANSECCOSTS | CHAR | 1 |
Lock Indicator For Plan Primary Costs | LOCKINDFORPRIMCSTS | CHAR | 1 |
Lock Indicator For Actual Revenue Postings | LOCKINDICATORFORACTUALREVENUEPOSTINGS | CHAR | 1 |
Name | NAME | CHAR | 35 |
Person Responsible | PERSONRESPONSIBLE | CHAR | 20 |
PO Box | POBOX | CHAR | 10 |
PO Box Postal Code | POBOXPSTLCD | CHAR | 10 |
Postal Code | POSTALCODE | CHAR | 10 |
Profit Center | PROFITCENTER | CHAR | 10 |
Standard Hierarchy Area | STANDARDHERARCHYARE | CHAR | 12 |
Tax Jurisdiction | TAXJURISDICTION | CHAR | 15 |
User Responsible | USERRESPONSIBLE | CHAR | 12 |
Valid From Date | VALIDFROMDATE | STRING | 256 |
Valid To Date | VALIDTODATE | STRING | 256 |