Designer > Using Guide Developer for the First Time > Importing an Existing BPEL Process

Importing an Existing BPEL Process

If you have created a BPEL process outside of Process Developer, you can import the BPEL and related files into our orchestration project. If your BPEL process in already in an Eclipse project, see Adding or Removing a Project Orchestration Nature.
Here how you do this:
  1. 1. Select File > New > Orchestration Project, and click Next.
  2. 2. Type in a project name, and click Finish.
  3. 3. If you have XSD files, select the schema folder, and right-mouse click to select Import.
  4. 4. Select General > File System.
  5. 5. Browse to the directory where your XSD files reside. Import your XSD files into the schema folder.
  6. 6. Import your WSDL into the wsdl folder, or alternately use Service References, as described in Importing a Service Reference.
  7. 7. Import your BPEL files into the bpel folder.
  8. 8. Double-click the BPEL file to open it in the Process Editor.
  9. The file opens in the mode associated with the BPEL version: WS-BPEL 2.0 or BPEL4WS 1.1. It is opened in the modeling style, either BPMN, BPEL, or Process Developer classic, associated with the style sheet it was created with.
    For details on saving your file with a different style sheet, see BPMN-Centric and BPEL-Centric Edit Styles.
  10. 9. Use the Problems view to correct any validation errors that occurred.
If you import your BPEL process before you add the referenced WSDL and schemas, Process Developer reports validation errors until it locates a namespace for your process.
If your WS-BPEL 2.0 process contains elements and attributes that are extensions to the WS-BPEL 2.0 specification, they are automatically declared. See Declaring Extension Elements and Attributes for details.