APIs, SDKs, and Services > XML-JSON for Process Central > Tasks


Task forms are similar to Requests where the HTML contains an input section and an output section driven by scripts. Task forms differ from Requests as follows:
The JavaScript object that models a task form is:
// Function that encapsulates the task form script.
var AeTaskForm$ID = function() {
// the task name
var mTaskName = "ApproveLoan";
// task id
var mTaskId = null;
// task instance (AeTask instance)
var mTask = null;

* Called by the manager to initialize the task form.
this.avcform_initialize = function(aTaskId, aTaskFormContext) {
mTaskId = aTaskId;
mTaskFormContext = aTaskFormContext;

// (equivalent to Request's documentReady() fn )
// Initialize your code here. You can populate
// some UI fields, but not the task UI fields.
// (see avcform_onTaskReady())
// Set up form validation if needed

* Called when the task instance has been loaded from the server.
this.avcform_onTaskReady = function(aTask) {
// Called one time when the task instance (AeTask object)
// is first loaded (via WSHT API). Use this to initialize mTask
// and display input and outdata from the task.
mTask = aTask;
this.showData(); // display task data

* Called when the task instance has been updated from the server.
this.avcform_onTaskUpdated = function(aTask) {
// called each time the task has changed. For example, task
// was claimed (state went from READY state to IN_PROGRESS).
mTask = aTask;
* Called when loading task instance from the server failed.
this.avcform_onTaskLoadError = function(aMessage) {
// return false to allow AVC system to handle error.
// or return true to indicate that your code handled it.
return false;

* Called to enable/disable form input fields
* @param aEnable Indicates if the form should be enabled or disabled
this.avcform_enable = function(aEnable) {
// return false to allow AVC system to handle enable/disabling of form fields
// you can enable/disable your custom controls here.
// normally a form is enabled when its editable (Claimed)
return false;

* Called to validate the task form data before the task is saved
this.avcform_validate = function() {
// Called when the form needs to be validated before saving it (WSHT setOutput operation).
// The form is not saved (setOutput not called) if this method returns false.
// return true for relaxed validation on saving a form that isn't 100% complete
return true;
* Called to validate the task form data before the task is completed
this.avcform_validateForCompletion = function() {
// Validation function called before completing a task.
// Return true if the form is valid or false to prevent WSHT complete() operation.
return true;

* Called when the task needs to be saved.
this.avcform_save = function(aCompleteTask) {
// This function is called when the user presses the "Save" button.
// Code save the form (WSHT setOuput) goes here. (normally generated for you).

* Binds data to the UI controls.
this.showData = function() {
// this method is called when the task is loaded. e.g. via avcform_onTaskReady() above.
if(mTask != null) {
// show task data in UI
Note that at the end of the script, you will see a function similar to:
$(document).ready(function() {
The ACTIVEVOS_TASKFORM_CONTEXT is a JavaScript object that is made available at runtime by the framework. The _TASK_INSTANCE_ID_ is replaced at runtime with the string value of the task instance ID. For example:
// runtime
$(document).ready(function() {
ACTIVEVOS_TASKFORM_CONTEXT.init("urn:b4p:123", new AeTaskForm_123() );
The ACTIVEVOS_TASKFORM_CONTEXT.init(...) function basically 'registers' the task form instance with the framework. The framework will then call back appropriate functions on the task form instance; for example, avcform_initialize(), avcform_onTaskReady() and avcform_onTaskUpdated(). Specifically, the task form JavaScript object interacts with the Central (framework) in the following way:
  1. 1. The avcform_initialize(aTaskId, aTaskFormContext) function is called when the form in loaded. Central will then get the task data using the Human Task API.
  2. 2. Once the task data is available, Central will call the avcform_onTaskReady(aTask) function on the form object passing in the task instance.
  3. The form UI is updated at this time to reflect the task's input and output values.
  4. 3. Process Central's framework handles user interaction on the tasks operation toolbar (such as Claim, Save). When the task state has changes due to a user interaction (for example, a user claimed a task), the framework invokes the WSHT API and later calls the avcform_onTaskUpdated(aTask) function.
  5. The avcform_enable(bool) function is also called to enable (when a task is claimed) or disable the form UI.
  6. 4. When the Save button is pressed, the framework invokes the task form object's avcform_validate() function to validate the UI data, followed by invoking the avcform_save() function. The code in avcform_save() saves the form by invoking the WSHT setOutput() operation.