Job Status Workspace > Job Status Workspace Overview

Job Status Workspace Overview

Use the Job Status workspace to monitor the status of jobs such as profile, scorecard, and mapping specification jobs.
You can monitor the status of jobs such as data preview for assets and drill-down operations on profiles. For example, you might need to view the status of a data preview job for a mapping specification if the Analyst tool could not perform the data preview. You can filter by job type to narrow the results to data preview jobs.
After you select a job, you can view error or information messages and the general properties for the job on the panel that has the job name.
You can view logs for a selected job. You can open the log events in a text file to view the logs. The log events also describe the severity level. Valid values are Info, Error, Warning, Trace, Debug, Fatal. Default is Info.
Note: You might not be able to view job status if the Analyst tool uses the HTTPS security protocol and the Administrator tool uses the HTTP security protocol. Contact an administrator to configure the HTTPS security protocols for both tools.