Finding Glossary Content > Look Up Content

Look Up Content

You can look up glossary content in the Library workspace.
The Library Navigator is a panel in the Library workspace where you can start the lookup.
Select one of the following sections in the Library Navigator to look up glossary content:
View assets of various types such as business terms, categories, glossaries, and policies. Select an asset type in the Asset section to find all the assets of that type.
View glossaries and categories associated with the assets that you have the privilege to access.
View business terms that are tagged by system-defined tags.

Look Up by Asset

If you want to search for assets by asset type, you can browse the Library workspace by the type of asset. You can find business terms, glossaries, categories, or policies.
From the Library Navigator, click Assets and select a type of asset such as policy or business term. You can view all assets of that type in the asset list. For example, select Business Terms to see a list of terms in all glossaries.

Look Up by Glossary

If you want to search for assets associated with a particular glossary, you can browse the Library workspace by the name of the glossary.
From the Library Navigator, click Glossaries to view a list of glossaries.
Click a glossary name in the Glossaries section to view the categories, policies, and business terms associated with the glossary.
Expand a glossary name in the Glossaries section to view all categories in the glossary. Click a category name to view the business terms and policies associated with the category.

Look Up by Tag

Tags are labels that the Analyst tool associates with assets. If you want to search for assets by tags, you can browse the Library workspace by the system-defined tags.
The Analyst tool generates the following system-defined tags and associates them to business terms:
From the Library Navigator, click Tags and select System-Defined. You can view the terms that you own, the terms under review, the terms that you follow, and the terms that are followed by most users.