Glossary Administration > Export and Import

Export and Import

Export to move the contents of the current glossary. Import to transfer contents of a glossary to the current glossary. You can export one or more glossaries to an .xlsx file. Import a glossary from an .xlsx file that you exported to move the contents of the glossary.
You can export the business term and policy template or Glossary assets. When you export the business term and policy templates, any customization that you made to the templates is in the .xlsx file.
Import the .xlsx file into the target instance of Business Glossary after you have exported the glossary assets from the source instance. The target instance and the source instance can be the same. The .xlsx file contains multiple worksheets that you can customize before import. You can view and edit the glossary assets after you have imported the .xlsx file into the target instance.
For example, you are moving from a test instance to a production instance of Business Glossary. The test instance contains glossary assets published after approval. You can export the glossaries from the test instance and import the .xlsx to the production instance to move the glossaries.

Export File Description

When you perform an export, the Analyst tool saves the export information to multiple worksheets in an .xlsx format. You can edit the contents of the .xlsx file using Microsoft Excel.
The following table describes the tabs that appear in the export file:
Global Attributes
All the business term and policy properties. Optionally, use this tab to create properties that glossary administrators can use in business term and policy templates.
Global Relationships
All the business term relationship properties. Optionally, use this tab to create custom relationships that glossary administrators can use in the related terms attribute.
The glossaries that you exported.
Term Templates
Details about the business term template. Do not edit columns in this tab. To modify term templates use the Analyst tool.
Policy Templates
Details about the policy template. Do not edit columns in this tab. To modify policy templates use the Analyst tool.
The business terms that you exported. Use this tab to edit values of the business term property details. Note: The users you assign as data stewards, stakeholders or owners to business terms must exist in Informatica Administrator.
Details about rules and their relationship with policies and business terms. Optionally, use this tab to add a rule that glossary administrators can link to terms in the Analyst tool.
Details about linked assets and their relationship with business terms. Optionally, use this tab to edit asset link properties, or add a new asset link. Content managers can link the assets to the terms in the Analyst tool.


There are many business terms in the human resources glossary. The name of the organization that you work for changed. You want to change the name of the organization in the description of all the business terms in the human resources glossary.
When you have to change data for many Glossary assets, you can export the assets to an .xlsx file and update the content using Microsoft Excel. You can change the name of the organization in all instances in the .xlsx file. You can import the .xlsx file to Business Glossary after you make changes to the .xlsx file. When you import the .xlsx file, the existing glossary is updated. Use this method to prevent the Analyst tool from creating a revision of every published Glossary asset that you want to change.

Conflict Resolution

When you import an .xlsx file, the Analyst tool compares the data in the file with the data in existing glossaries. You can resolve conflicts that Analyst tool detects between the data in the .xlsx file and the data in existing glossaries.
The Analyst tool can detect and inform you of the following types of errors during import:
Match by asset ID.
The Analyst tool compares the asset IDs of the Glossary assets in the .xlsx file with the asset IDs present in existing glossaries. If the asset ID in the .xlsx file matches another asset ID in a glossary, the Analyst tool gives you an option to replace the existing asset, or create a copy of the existing asset. Every asset must have a unique asset ID.
Match by name.
The Analyst tool compares the names of the Glossary assets in the .xlsx file with the names of assets present in existing glossaries. If the asset name in the .xlsx file matches more than one name in the glossary, the Analyst tool ignores the conflict and imports the data. If the asset name in the .xlsx file matches with the name of another similar asset in the glossary, the Analyst tool gives you an option to replace the existing asset, or create a copy of the existing asset. Glossaries can have multiple assets with the same name.

Glossary Export Properties

Configure the glossary export properties when you export a glossary.
The following table displays the properties in the Export dialog box:
Export business term or policy template only
Select this option to export the business term and policy template.
Glossary Assets
Select the glossary that you want to export. The Analyst tool exports business term and policy templates, business terms, policies, and categories in the glossary. You can select specific categories within a glossary. All terms and policies in the category are exported.

Exporting a Glossary

You can export business term and policy templates, or Glossary assets. You can export data to an .xlsx file.
    1. Click Open to open the Library workspace.
    2. In the Library Navigator, click Glossaries.
    3. Right-click on a glossary and click Export.
    The Export dialog box appears.
    4. Choose to export the glossary in the Export dialog box.
    5. Click Export.

Importing a Glossary

You can select an .xlsx file with Business Glossary data to import Glossary assets or business term and policy templates to the current Business Glossary instance.
    1. Click Open to open the Library workspace.
    2. In the Library Navigator, click Glossaries.
    3. Right-click on a glossary and click Import.
    The Import wizard appears.
    4. Click Browse to select an .xlsx file that contains Business Glossary data.
    5. Click Next to import the .xlsx file.
    The Analyst tool displays a summary of data in the .xlsx file.
    6. Optionally, resolve any conflicts by selecting one of the options that the Analyst tool provides in the Summary screen.
    7. Click Save.