Part II: Data Discovery with Informatica Analyst > Column Profile Results in Informatica Analyst > Profile Summary

Profile Summary

The summary for a profile run includes the number of unique and null values expressed as a number and a percentage, inferred datatypes, and last run date and time. You can click each profile summary property to sort on values of the property.
The following table describes the profile summary properties:
Name of the column in the profile.
Unique Values
Number of unique values for the column.
% Unique
Percentage of unique values for the column.
Number of null values for the column.
% Null
Percentage of null values for the column.
Datatype derived from the values for the column. The Analyst tool can derive the following datatypes from the datatypes of values in columns:
  • - String
  • - Varchar
  • - Decimal
  • - Integer
  • - "-" for Nulls
Note: The Analyst tool cannot derive the datatype from the values of a numeric column that has a precision greater than 38. The Analyst tool cannot derive the datatype from the values of a string column that has a precision greater than 255. If you have a date column on which you create a column profile with a year value earlier than 1800, the inferred datatype might show up as fixed length string. Change the default value for the year-minimum parameter in the InferDateTimeConfig.xml, as required.
% Inferred
Percentage of values that match the datatype that the Analyst tool infers.
Documented Datatype
Datatype declared for the column in the profiled object.
Minimum Value
Minimum value in the column.
Maximum Value
Maximum value in the column.
Last Profile Run
Date and time you last ran the profile.
If selected, drills down on live data for the column.